Chapter Six

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The next evening, the girls decided that they wanted to help me get ready again. They had me wear the same skinny jeans as the night before and a long sleeved green shirt. Kayla put my hair in a braid coming to the rest on my shoulder. At 5:55, I told them, "You can go down by the guys. I'll be there in a minute."

They went downstairs and I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I grabbed my eyeliner and mascara. As I was in the middle of putting on my mascara, Lauren yelled up to me, "Layla! Logan's here!"

"Coming!" I called back to her as I finished up my makeup.

I slipped on my converse and ran down the stairs. They weren't at the door, so they must be in the living room. They were all sitting on furniture talking to one another. I heard Joe say, "Be good to her. Her last boyfriend hurt her bad."

"She wouldn't stop crying for at least a week. She's a little broken," Joey said.

"I don't want to hurt her," Logan told them.

"That's what her last boyfriend told us," Brian said. That's when I stepped in the room.

Logan stood up as soon as I walked in. I smiled at him and greeted, "Hey Logan."

"Hi Layla," he replied with a grin.

"Thanks guys," I said to my friends, indicating that I heard part of their conversation with Logan.

Joe, Joey, and Brian gave me sheepish smiles. I rolled my eyes and Logan and I walked to his car. He opened my car door for me and I sat in the passenger seat. He got into the drivers seat and started driving. I asked, "What are we doing?"

"We're going mini golfing. I figured it'd be best since I didn't know what else to do," he told me and stole a glance at me.

After a comfortable silence, I broke it and apologized, "I'm sorry for my friends."

"It's cool. They just want to protect you from assholes."

"Yeah. Assholes," I mumbled.

"What happened with your last boyfriend? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm just curious."

I took a deep breath and told him, "I was living in California when I got a job offer in New York. I told my boyfriend that I was going to accept the job. He understood and helped me get ready to go. After about four months, I got my first earned vacation. I surprised him at work and then we went to dinner the night after. Then he broke up with me in a place special to both of us."

"How long had you been going out?"

"At least a year."

"Did you love him?"

I nodded as I kept my tears in. Logan looked at me and pulled over. He moved the compartment between the drivers seat and the passenger seat. He moved towards me and pulled me into his arms. I hugged him close and as he stroked my hair, he told me, "You can let them fall. I know how you feel."

Silently, I let my tears fall. After about five minutes, I stopped crying and looked up at Logan. He looked down at me and smiled. I said, "I probably look like someone who shouldn't move on. But I want to. Trust me Logan, I want to. It's just, he was the first person I've loved."

"I understand Layla. I went through something like this. I know that you want to move on," he told me and smiled.

I smiled at him. He sat back in the drivers seat and said, "Now. Onto mini golf!"

I laughed and Logan started driving.


We got back into the car after mini golfing. Logan told me, "I let you win."

I laughed, "Mhm. That's why I had to help you! That's supposed to be the guy's job!"

"Oh shut up," he joked.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he repeated my actions. We laughed and Logan asked, "What do you wanna do for dinner?"

"Are you a vegetarian?" I asked him.

"No. Are you?" he asked.

"How about a nice, juicy burger?" I asked, answering his question.

Logan laughed and asked, "Where to m'lady?"

I gave him directions to Fudrucker's Burgers. We ate and he went to drop me off at home.

Logan walked me to my porch and we stopped in front of the door. He took my hand, looked in my eyes, and told me, "I had a lot of fun tonight."

"I did too," I agreed with a smile.

His eyes flickered to my lips and I blushed. He quietly asked me, "Could I, kiss you?"

I blushed even redder, glad he couldn't see me very well, and nodded my head. We both leaned in until our lips met in the middle.

I pulled back and told him, "I'll text you later."

He nodded and told me, "Night Lay."

"Night Logan," I told him.

Before he started walking to his car, he kissed my cheek. I opened the door, walked in, closed it again, and leaned on it. I slid down to the ground, smiling. The silence in the house didn't last long, because as soon as I hit the ground, I heard what sounded like a herd of elephants running down the stairs. I heard Kinley scream, "SHE'S BACK!!"

They all found me sitting on the ground and gave me weird looks. I rolled my eyes and Meredith helped me stand up. We all walked up to my room. All the way there, they asked me how it went and what happened, but I ignored them. Before we entered my room, I told them, "I'll tell you everything, if you sit on my floor, quietly and don't interrupt me, unless you have a question, then just raise your hand."

We made it to my room and I changed into my pajamas. The girls were sitting on my floor, patiently. I sat on my bed and Lauren asked, "Start from the beginning please?"

I started, "Well, after the guys 'talked' to him, we went on our way to the mini golf place. He asked me about," I took a deep breath and continued, "Darren. I told him and held back tears. He glanced at me, pulled over, and let me cry about Darren in his arms. I told him that I really did want to move on and he said that he knew how I felt."

I saw Jaime's hand up and she asked, "So that means that his ex girlfriend did that to him?"

I nodded and continued, "We went mini golfing and I won. But he likes to say that he let me. But then I came back and told him that I had to help him instead of the other way around."

They laughed and I finished, "We went to Fudrucker's and he brought me home."

Kayla asked with a grin, "What happened when he brought you home?"

They all smiled and I gasped with a smile, "You were spying on me!"

They nodded and Kinley asked, "What did he say before he kissed you?"

"We said that we had fun. Then he asked me, he actually asked like in one of those romantic movies, if he could kiss me," I replied.

"That's so cute!" Lauren gushed.

"He was your first kiss after Darren," Meredith pointed out.

I nodded, smiled, and told them, "I think Logan is helping me get over him."


So it's kinda cute and fun. Isn't it? I like Logan, don't you? But anyway.

My aunt decided to blow up 16 balloons and put glitter and money in each one for my birthday. I had to pop them all in a restaurant! Then I had a bunch of glitter all over me, the table, and the floor!

Thank you to runalong and ninalovesdarren for the birthday wishes!


Everything Has Changed-Darren Criss Love Story (Sequel to SOWK)Where stories live. Discover now