Can U Handle It

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"I fear sometimes in my mind
That you won't wanna stay with my love
Oh baby
If I can be sure
Inside out that you know exactly
The man that comes to see you
I'll go deep as I can
Giving you the rest of my love
But what if I tell you too much..."

You've been dating Will for a few months and you couldn't be happier with him. He was different from all your exes in every way, his looks, his personality, etc. He was like a breath of fresh air after you've been holding your breath for too long.

But recently he's been acting kind of strange and you tried to ignore it and blame it on his lack of sleep but you knew it was something much deeper than that.

"Hey baby." Will says as he came up behind you and kissed your temple, you smiled at him before returning his greeting. He pulled out one of the stools and sat rather close to you at the Bar, he studied you his mouth opening and closing a few times before he finally spoke.

"What's wrong with you? " he asked, you immediately tensed up not knowing whether you should confess your paranoia or remain cool.

"What do you mean? I'm fine. No, I'm better than fine I'm fan-f*cking-tastic." you said nervously, Will looked at you skeptically before shaking his head.

"You're not fan-f*cking-tastic." he mocked, your shoulders slumped as he spun your stool around so you were facing him.

"Tell me what's actually wrong." you sighed heavily, before looking up at a concerned will.

"Well lately I've been getting these vibes from you, they're not bad but they're not good either."

"Baby speak English." Will groaned, you rolled your eyes at him before clearing your throat preparing to go into detail.

"I feel like you don't, like trust me? Or you're just holding back on me." you confessed, Will let out a loud sigh before looking at you and looking away again.

"I do trust you it's just.." He starts but cuts him self off by shaking his head, you quickly try to coax him into continuing to confess his true feelings.

"It's just that I wear my heart on my sleeve and I get kind of worried that I'm gonna be played because I'm blinded by the love that I got for them." He said while making eye contact to make sure you know where he's coming from.

"Are we having a 'It's not you, It's me' moment right now?" you asked while smirking, Will laughed quietly before shaking his head.

"Well since we are, I'd like to say that I would never do ANYTHING to hurt you and that I would fight for you always. So, you don't have to worry about me babe I got you." You said while holding his hand, he squeezed it before kissing your lips.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too."

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