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"She wants somebody to love
To kiss her
She wants somebody to love
In the right way
She's crying out that she loves me
Holding my hands so I won't leave
Cause baby don't wanna be lonely
She says "I just want you to hold me"

You had convinced your best friend Will to sneak out to go on a late night adventure with you, he was reluctant at first but after a few bribes he was all yours.

"Hello, Mr. Fryson! Are you ready for the most amazing, most mind blowing, late night adventure to ever occur?" You greeted in a posh accent.

"I don't know how I let you talk me into this." He replies after he's in the car and buckled in.  You laughed before turning the radio up, it was some random a** pop song that you couldn't help but sing along to.

"What are we even going to do?" He asks, you smirked evilly before turning to face him after you've been stopped at a red light.

"Illegal things."

"Why are we in an alley at two in the morning?" Will asks, you rolled your eyes after you rolled your bomber jacket sleeves up.

"Ask me another question and I swear I'm going to punch you." You groaned after pulling out a can of neon yellow spray paint, Will watched you intently as you began to spray 3D objects on the plain brick wall. You beckoned for him to come closer and he immediately came over, you could tell that he was a bit on edge. He was gripping the can of red paint you had given him before you got out of your car, As he stared at you nervously.

"Go ahead!"

He took a deep breath before signing the first letters of both of your last names, you shoved his shoulders playfully before picking up all the evidence that you had been there and got back in the car.

"What's next?"

"Well we could go to that new club that opened up?"

"What? Y/N you do realize we're only sixteen right?"

"Quit your crying! I'm the designated driver so that's where we're going..."

We drove for at least fifteen minutes before we pulled up to a the club. It had a line that seemed to never end! Luckily you knew the owner so you got in with no problem. The air reeked of sweat and alcohol, but the good vibes that were radiating made it tolerable.

"Do you want to dance?" Will asked, your eyes lit up as you grabbed his hand and practically dragged him onto the dance floor. The song was kind of slow so you just swayed your hips to the unknown melody. Will looked at you like you were worth a million dollars and more, Why hadn't you noticed before?

You both leaned in slowly before crashing your lips together in a sweet yet passionate kiss. Your stomach was in knots as he pulled away first, he smiled at you before grabbing your hand and intertwining them.

"I think we should start heading back?" You stated but it came out as more of a question, Will nodded in agreement before guiding you out the door.

No one spoke on the way back to your neighborhood, you were both still replaying the kiss in your minds.

"That was.." You started not knowing how to describe the sudden change of events, Will laughed quietly.

"Fun. It was lots of fun."


"Well, Goodnight Y/N." Will says before turning around to leave, As soon as he starts to go down the steps you stop him.

"Stay the night with me, Please?" You said much louder than you needed to, Will looks behind you to make sure your parents weren't around before coming back to your front door.

"Okay, I'll stay."

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