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"So take it off
Let's break down all of our walls
Right now I wanna see it all
I don't wanna cool off
So lets cross the lines we lost
Right now I wanna see it all
You were right on the border..."

You were drunk and he was high but somehow you were both on the same level of understanding. You wanted to know him. His dislikes, His likes, What turns him on, What turns him off but he was just so hard to get to. You wanted to get under his skin but he was so closed up that every time you thought you've found an entrance it was actually a pseudo. Puffs of smoke pooled out of his lips as he looked off into a distance, he was simply captivating.

"Do you believe in fate?" you asked suddenly, his brown irises were surrounded by a light shade of red. He laughed quietly his beautiful smile coming into view but it vanished as quick as it came. His stared at you momentarily his nose was scrunched up in thought, you watched intently eager to here his response. Anything that you could get out of him was enough for you.

"Why do you ask me so many questions?"

Ok that wasn't the answer you were looking for but it was starting a conversation so you were grateful. You loved to watch him talk, the way words rolled off of his tongue and the way he spoke with such confidence made your heart beat out of your chest.

"You're like a puzzle. Every time I think i've put you together, there's always one piece missing." You explained, his features softened but you could see the inner battle occurring behind his eyes.

"Maybe some puzzles aren't meant to be solved." He remarked, you nodded in agreement but you knew this was one that was meant to be solved.

"I think you want to be solved. But you're afraid that if someone does they'll leave and you'll be left high and dry." You rebuttal, he laughed again his shoulders bounced as he cracked up.

"Why do you think you know everything? Why do you like to play therapist?" He asked his eyes lit up with curiosity, you chewed your bottom lip in thought.

Why did you enjoy getting people to their weakness?

"I don't know." You answered truthfully, Lucas shook his head not pleased with your answer.

"I think you're a sadist." He says while watching smoke pour out of his mouth, you took a sip from your nearly empty bottle.

"No way!" You completely rejected his assumption, you don't think you got your daily pleasure from humiliating others.

"No listen, you like to get others to a weak point because it distracts you from yours. You want others to feel vulnerable so you don't have to." He explained.

Was he right?

"Think about it, All these questions you've asked were supposed to get me to let down my guard so YOU can get me to the my lowest point so YOU can see all the things that would make me vulnerable." he enunciated.

And with that he was gone, leaving you to pick up the pieces.

This would make such a great fanfic, i'll keep it in mind. 'cause I'm not sure if I wanna start something that serious lol

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