Chapter One.

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My Names Lydia O'Donovan i have a brother called liam

I Run Through The Alley Knowing the Police Where Catching Up To Me

Liam Had Went Left I Had Went Right Thankfully I'm A Faster Runner Than Liam Not That It Mattered Since The PoliceIs Now Right Behind me.

I Spead Up Pushing My Legs To The Max Losing the police Only To Run Straight Bang Into Liam.

"Liam You Idiot Watch It"i state Rubbing My Head

"You Ran In To Me"Liam Says

"Shut Up"i hiss before looking back

"i've lost him"liam states talking about the Bald Man

"I've Lost Them"i state

"them who?"he asks trying to catch his breath

"The Police"i state

his eyes go wide before he looks behind me

"run"he says

he starts running away with me following

i see a group walking i take my hoodie off with liam following taking his off

liam then looks back over his shoulder and i hear the bald man shout 'hey'

i start running with liam right behind me

only for us to run straight into a car."where'd you're hoodie go?"i ask looking at my brothers now bare arms as

The police grabbed me and baldy grabbed liam.

at the station

"i should charge you for wasting our time cause that's what this is a waste of time" Liam States as the police woman marches us to the front desk.

"kid's pulled a service scam down at the launderette,Charged A Fiver For It"the police woman stated

"shoulda been a tenner"i say to liam who laughs

"we did his washing didn't we?"liam says

"yeah and turned his clothes pink"the police woman Says Showing The Guy Pink Clothes Liam Then Picked up

a pair of Red Socks

"there's your Criminal Right There Not Us"Liam Says with a cheeky smile before placing the socks back down while the guy sighed and leaned forward

"Names?!"the policeman questioned.

liam stayed quiet and i did the same

"That's The First Time He Shut Up Since I Nicked Him Sarge"the policewomen Announces

"park them over there give them time to think"the police man says

i watch as a woman moves up a bit letting liam sit down i sit down next to him as the woman says 'Busy,Busy,Busy'

to the policewoman

me and liam stay silent until the woman leans over to us

"Not Talking Huh?"she asks

Liam Just Looked At Her Then Turned Back To Looking At The Floor.

"Undercover Agent's Protecting Your identities"the woman says

"Time Traveller And You Don't Want To Ruin Your Future"the woman then says Making Me Laugh Quietly

"Or Messed Up Kids Who's Worried About What Their Parents Will Say?"She Then Says

"If I told you We where undercover agent i'd have to kill ya" Liam Admits Moving His Hand Across His Neck At The Same Time As Me Making The Woman Laugh

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