Chapter Four

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Lydia's Bedroom At The Scotts

Lydia's Bedroom At The Scotts

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I Open The door To My New Room Seeing a small room with a mattress on the floor and a wardrobe

i sigh before putting my bag in the wardrobe

"Lydia!"I Hear Mr Scott Shout

i walk down the stairs

"yes?"i ask politely

"we have some rules"

"okay"i say

"okay so here you go,back to your room now"he says handing me a peice of paper

i nod before running back upstairs

1.Don't Leave House Without Permision

2.No Contacting The Dumping Ground

3.No Phone

4.No Contact With You're Brother

5.No Leaving Your Room Unless You're Told

6.No Dinner After Half Four.

7.Address all adults as "sir" or "ma'am" when addressing them.

8.If shoes are wet or dirt, take them off before entering house.

9.No lying.

10.No using foul language

11.No television

12.Always respect elders: no rolling eyes, sighing, pouting, etc.

13.Never tell an adult no

14.No running indoors

15.No raising your voice to your elders

16.No talking back

17.Always be on time

18.Ask Before You Take

i sigh great stricked parents thats all i need.

Time Skip 

it's been Six days since i moved in with the scotts

and there honestly Horrible and i miss liam this is the longest i haven't seen him and mr scott found my phone last night he took it off me and i might have said 'No Give It Back' and he punched me i have a big black eye but that's about it thankfully hes at work the now but mrs scotts calling on me ...great

"yes ma'am?"i ask walking into the kitchen

"can you hop into town and get me these?"she asks handing me a list and money

"sure."i say before grabbing my shoes and heading for the door

"be back by half five"she says sternly

"yes ma'am"i say before walking out sighing in relief

before walking into town

Liam's Point Of View

It's Been Six Days Since Lydia Left And It Just Don't Feel right

i look at my desk noticing the letter she left me

i never read it ...i stand up picking it up opening it carefully

"Dear Liam,Sup Secret Agent?

Hows The Liamaid Going? Good Busness? I want half of everything Just Sayin" i Read out laughing

"Known you,you probably won't read this for a few days and thats fine,i'm so sorry i had to leave,rob told me it was for the best he said i was the one who kept on making you get into trouble and he's right,i must be the worst sister in history,but i do love you i really do and im so lucky to have a brother like you,Yano i love you and i feel like your gonna hate me after me leaving you but i want you to have the best life and if that means leaving you for you to have it then so be it,i hope i'll see you again i don't know when i'll see you if i ever do just know you really are the best brother and best friend a girl could ever ask for even though i never asked for you but if i had to ask i'd ask a million times just to have you as my brother thankfully you are okay sorry i'm rambling while writing god whats wrong with me?"i read out laughing yet again

"anyway i know this letter was really short i just wanted to tell you i hope you have a great life i love you and i'll never forget you EVER Liam O'Donovan Your The Best Big Brother Ever I Love You So Much Sincerley -Hell no never mind that See Ya Liam ;D

Lydia O'Donovan" i read out with a smile even though i feel a few tears excape my eyes

a few minutes later frank comes in and we head out.

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