Chapter Eight

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Lydia's Bedroom in Terries 

Lydia's Bedroom in Terries 

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Dylan Puppy Above!

months later.

i walk into elm tree

seeing johnny sitting on the stairs

"hey johnny"i say

"hi"he replys

"you okay?"i ask

"yeah,fine"he lies

"johnny"i say

"yeah?"he asks looking up

"i know your lying,i'm here for you"i state sitting down next to him he sighs before leaning his head on my shoulder.

after leaving johnny i sat with liam in his room

"i miss this"i say

"miss what?"he asks

"my brother"i state

he sits up and walks over to me hugging me

"i miss you too"he replys

"i don't like living with Terrie anymore i wanna come home"i state

"are you mental?"liam asks

"yeah,i'm related to you remember"i state

"OI"he says punching my arm lightly

"when's terrie coming to get you?"liam asks

"she's not,i have to walk back tonight"i state

"what in the rain?"liam asks looking out the window

"yeah,she's staying with jake again"i state

"you're super skinny when was the last time you ate? summat?"liam asks

"i don't know uh when she was last at the house"i state

"when was that?"he asks

"about two weeks ago"i state

"you haven't ate summat in two weeks?"he nearly shouts

"i'm not even hungry"i state before looking at the time


"i gotta be gettin back now see ya liam"i say before walking out the door

"mike!"i hear liam shout as he runs past me

"Oi! Watch It"i shout at him

i finally make it down stairs as mike comes out the office with liam

"hey that's me off"i say

"nope sit down"liam says making me roll my eyes

"sit down lydia"mike says

i sigh but sit down

"liam told me you haven't ate in weeks and that terrie hasn't been staying with you"mike says

"yeah"i say

"i need to make a phone call to rob"mike says walking away

"liam i really need to go back"i state

"lyd"liam warns

"Liam"i warn back

"lydia"he says

as i stand before walking towards the front door

"bye mike!"i shout before walking out

i walk down the path as the door opens and my brother comes running out after me

"fine if you're going back there i'm coming with you"he announces

"fine"i say

"how's school?"he asks as we finally arive at the door

"seriously?...It's Fine Straight A's"i state

"seriously"he says mimicing me

"I'm Back"i shout

"who are you shouting too?"liam asks as Dylan comes running through

"Hi Baby"i say Patting My Puppy On His Head

"You have a dog"liam asks

"yep,Liam This Is Dylan,Dylan This Is Liam,And This Is The Reason i'm not at the dumping ground tonight"i state

about fifteen minutes later the door bell goes

i get up opening it seeing mike and rob

"she's not in,it's just me,liam and dylan"i state

"who's dylan?"mike asks

"my puppy"i state as he comes running wagging his tail

rob and mike then come in and i phone terrie and she tells me she's on her way

"she lets you down a lot aye?"liam asks as me and him stand in the kitchen while mike and rob sit in the living room

"yeah and then she puts money in my savings acount to 'make' up for it"i admit

"what a great mother"liam says sarcastically

as the front door opens

"Lydia Darling"she says with a smile

"Hiya You Remember My Brother Liam"i say

"how could i forget"she says looking at him in disgust

"right lydia why don't you show liam you're room while we three talk"mike asks

i nod and grab my brothers arm pulling him upstairs

"okay so this is my room here"i say not opening the door

"you gonna open it?"liam asks

"uh yeah sure"i say before opening the door walking in

"wow"liam says

"okay,Lydia go pack your things you're coming back to elm tree"mike says

"what about dylan i'm not leaving him please mike please"i beg

"fine,but he's YOUR responcablity"mike says

"yas"i sing before going to pack.

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