Chapter Seven

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I notice tee and she notices me

"Lydia!"She shouts catching the attention of everyone else

i wave as i see the familiar boy known as my brother running at me

pulling me into a hug

"what you doing here?"he asks

"me terrie and her fiance where meant to got to the beach we where met to meet back up here but their gone"i state

he nods before pulling me over to the group who all hug and greet me

i say hello to mike and then pull out my phone dialing terries phone

"Hi Terrie Fender Here You've Reached My Voice Mail Call Me Later"her voice says down the phone

i sigh and hang up

"whats wrong?"gina asks

"my foster mum her fiance and i where meant to meet back up here but their gone"i state

"right you're coming with us"mike says making everyone cheer

i walk around seeing mike now talking with the man from earlier

i laugh and liam pulls me in

the van i sit down on his seat while texting terrie

soon enough we're moving.

"this is the A736 into town"gus says

"we can get my trunks"liam says

"no way"mike shouts

"i might change my top"sapphire says

"ohhh i need the toilet"carmen says making me laugh

"there is no way we are going back to the house"mike says

we all stand in the lobby area waiting

as mike comes walking in

"listen up someone has sabotaged the satnav,it's been reprogrammed to return here,presumably when we where at the service station,and i'd like who ever is responsible to own up now please"mike says as liam comes down the stairs wearing his trunks on his head with sunglasses covering his eyes

"what you looking at "liam asks flicking his trunks back as if he had long hair making us all laugh

"i need the toilet"i say running up the stairs

i sit in the van next to liam again

"still no answer?"liam asks

"nope"i say

"did they like just ditch you?"liam asks

"seems like it"i state

"i'm gonna bury you with this"liam says to frank

"what why?"frank asks

"cause that's what you do at beaches,and then the tide comes in an-"he gasps in shock

"what?"i ask

"you did that on purpose!"liam says to johnny

"oh not again"frank says to me

"i feel sick"tee says

oh no yuck...

turns out i fell asleep on liam,

we're now back at the service station

i sit down and see terrie run in looking panicked

"Lydia!"she shouts running at me hugging me

"you're okay thank the lord"she says

"you left me behind"i state

"i know i've made up for it see!"she says showing me what she did she put £22,000 in my savings account can't buy happiness..but on the bright side now i have £30,000

i hear my brother shout then whistle i watch what he does

"win a free satnav who ever finds the hamster!"he shouts

"oh god no "i say before running over

a guy takes the tray of the mad man from earlier and shoves him while i pick up the hamster

"thanks sir"i say handing the hamster to toby

i sigh before hugging liam

"i've got to go"i state

"go where"he asks

"back with terrie"i state

"i'm sure rob will be in contact"he says kissing my head before mike comes over and talks with terrie

"right terrie has agreed that Lydia Can Come To The Beach with us!"he cheers everyone else does too

turns out i fell asleep again and now where sitting on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck

since mike filled the van with diesel and not petrol.

i walk of the van

i see johnny run of and then liam following

i sigh


i then walk back on the van

sitting down

a few minutes later

terrie pulls up and gets out catching everyone by surprise

"terrie what you doing here?"mike asks

"i got a phone call from lydia about 10 minutes ago asking if i could come pick her up"terrie say as i walk of the van

liam looks at me in utter shock

"i'm sorry,i just i don't like the beach i was only going because i wanted out the house it's not fun being in the house all alone"i state before my eyes widen in shock

"see you later guys"i say before getting in terries car.

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