Chapter Six

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I see the boys walk a woman out to the door i watch as they all run out i follow

"but you charged mike,over five thousand pounds on his credit card"toby say as i run up next to liam

"whats up?"i ask him

"this womans trying to scam us"he says

i roll my eyes as she looked at me then my out fit and rasied her eyebrow

"yeah that's for the flights"she answers toby

"you tricked us!"toby says

"no you tricked me!"she says pointing her finger

"excuse me,it's rude to point you're finger,toby boys you should really treat her better she's a lady"i say acting

they all look at me in shock

"thankyou!"she asks

"i'm lydia i'm so very sorry about my brother and our friends"i say before walking back inside the house i hear liam snicker knowning what i just did

later on i watch as the boys head out and then five minutes later my social worker appears with terry that woman who scammed us uh oh

"lydia this is terry and she's intrested in being your new foster mum!"rob says

"really wow that so cool"i say with a smile

"would you agree to it?"rob asks

"yeah defentley"i say

"great we'll sort out the paper work with gina and you go pack"i nod and run upstairs packing

after i packed i said goodbye to gina and got in my new 'mums' car.

she drops me off at my new 'house' and then tells me she has to go back to work

i then save her number under Terrie Fender and wait.

Liam's Point Of View

"stupid,reckless Irresponsible,i have a list of atleast thirteen more words need i go on?"mike says

"yes please!"gus says with a smile

"gus"we all complain

"gus i've change my credit card"mike announces

"if you four ever leave this house again without permison i'm stop your allowens and none of you will answer the office phone Undersood"mike states

every one agrees

"you mean that's it?"johnny asks

"you know what hurts me the most johnny?"mike asks

"your back?"i say

"you calling me dad,i thought you ment it,anyway i might be getting soft in my old age but it seems to me you kids ment well and where victims in all this"mike says

"to right,that greedy old bag got everything she deserved "tracy says making us all laugh

"tracy!"gina scolds

i then notice Lydia's Gone.where's she gone?

"sorry"tracy says

"leading from the front again"mike says

"as always"tracy replys

"hey where's lydia?"i ask

"oh no man!"gina says

we all turn to look at her

"that woman,she fostered lydia man"gina says

Terrie Fender fostered my sister?.

Lydia's Point Of View

Me Terrie and her fiance Jake all decided to go to the beach

they have spoilt me rotten and i now have over £8000 in my savings account

i've been with them for a month and i get bored easily because their always working so when i found out that we where going to the beach i jumped at the chance

i look down at my phone seeing no new messages

i got a new phone and don't have anyone's numbers from the dumping ground

we pull up at the service station and agree to meet back at the car

25 minutes later

i hear a guy shouting and follow it as i get closer i see a bunch of familiar people

"stand back,stand back"the guy says to them as they start helping

"give me those"he says snatching them off of harry and sapphire then tee

"i don't need that kind of help thank you"he says

"nahh mate what you need is mental help"i state standing next to tee

"Lydia!"she says hugging me

"hey tee"

i then notice the time and run out to the parking lot

looking for terries's gone!

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