Chapter Two

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After Speaking With Tee For A While me and tee met Liam And frank then we waited for the others in the kitchen toby and harry then came in a second later

"You're witnessing the birth of 'Liamaid ' the greatest fizzy drink of the twenty first century"liam says making me roll my eyes

"it blew up"frank says

"what?!"toby says making me yet again roll my eyes

"it doesn't blow up"liam says

"it does"me and frank say in sync

"okay it did once but it wasn't suposed to happen"liam admits making me laugh

"what did happen then"tee asks

"it made a mess"i say laughing

"i stored it under our foster mum and dad's bed"liam admits

"You Killed  Your Foster Parents?"Toby Ask Making Me Howl In Laughter

"no toby"i say

"just gave them a shock and got them a little bit soggy "liam admits making me laugh at the memory of our foster parents.

"but it is safe now though?"tee asks as i take a step back

"course i have made inprovements"liam states

making me step back yet again as liam adds more powder

"is the bottle getting bigger?"toby asks leaning forward

"i think we better run"liam says

as i pick harry up bolting out the door

"woah woah slow down some body will have an acident"mike shouts

we run up to the living room

hiding from mike

me,liam harry and frank behind the soft and toby behind the other one while tee hides behind the door.

we sit at lunch me beside liam and gus

"give her a break she hasn't been here long what do you think people thought of you when you first arrived?"liam asks.

"you where strange"harry says making me laugh,i love harry he's just the cutest kid ever.

"yeah,well you think your giraffe talks"gus states

"i bet tracys donesome good stuff too you should make a list of stuff shes done Right Since shes been here,she helped us out at the cop-"liam says as my phone buzzes

"what was that?"frank asks

"and tracys criminal record is an insperation to all"gina says

"twitter notification"i announce

"no phones at the table man"gina says making me put my phone in my back pocket.

i stand next to liam as we all listen to mike and tracy who are in the kitchen

"I Quit" i hear Tracy Say then a smash then she walks out making me and the others watch her storm out the front door

i walk out to the tree wanting to have some peace when i see tracy swinging slowly on the swing

"hey"i say sitting down on the ground leaning against the tree

"hiya"she says softly

"how do you feel? know about coming back here?"she asks me

"honestly?"i ask her she nods

"i'm fine as long as i'm with liam if i didn't have him i don't know how i would be."i state

"i heard carmen say you where younger than him"tracy admits

"yeah i'm the same age as johnny"i state

"you and liam seem close"tracy then says

"i feel like he's my twin"i say laughing

she laughs too as liam walks out

"what you doing out here?"liam asks tracy

"what do you think?"tracy asks

"last bottle of Liamaid Want Some?"

"so why'd you come back to the dumping ground?"

"needed a job"tracy says

"yeah but here?you don't have to pretend with me"liam says 

"what?"tracy asks

"being back here"liam says before looking at me

"It Sucks Right" We both say in sync mimicing her

making her laugh

"i worked so hard to get away from this place and now im back"tracy says as liam slides down beside me throwing his arm around my shoulder

"well..i was"tracy says

"that was some show back there"liam says

"everyone was watching weren't they"tracy says

"not everyone"i say

"but the people who weren't they had it acted out for them it was a laugh"liam announces

"I Quit Tush"me and liam mimic in sync while liam acts like he smashed a plate

"uh what was i thinking"tracy asks

"you weren't"i state

"oh forget it its done you don't see me crying over summet i can't change,you wanna see someone cry go write in gus's notebook"liam says

"who told you?"

"gus did "i say laughing

"he did of course,well that's your liam and lydia time up,so drink up and shuv off "liam says laughing he pours his 'Liamaid' in a cup he brought with him and tracy stands up taking a drink before turning and spiting it out

"yeah,takes a bit of getting used too"liam announces

as tracy hands the cup back and walks away.

To end the day we all stand and watch as tracy and mike burn the letter from tracy's mum

what a lovely way to end our day.

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