Chapter Five

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Lydia's Point Of View

i grab a burger out of the bin before walking into a rich woman who was looking down at her phone i 'Fall Backwards' Dropping 'My' Food

"oh i'm so sorry here take this"she hands me a fifty pound note!,

before running off embarressed

i smirk and walk over to the burger van around the cornor getting a cheese burger

i see two guys who look awfully firmilar

i watch as they do the same as i just did and then i realise who it is

Liam And Frank

Frank notices me first and taps liam repeatedly

liam spins around asking frank 'what' and frank points at me

liam looks at me and starts smiling before walking towards me

Rule Number 4.No Contact With You're Brother

I look at him as he gets closer before bolting off down the road

"Lydia?!?"i hear him shout as i continue running

i make it to the shop that mrs scott asked me to go to and get everything she needed

i walk outside the shop banging into liam

"lydia"he says in relief before he looks at my eye?

shit the black eye!

"why the heck do you have a black eye?"he asks looking pissed off

"uh i uh bye"i say before running off down the road

about ten minutes later i get back to the scotts house i walk into the kitchen seeing Mrs Scott smile at me

"Your A Whole Have An Hour Early Good Girl"she says

i smile and give her the shopping before helping her unpack as the door goes

"get that would you?"she asks

i nod and make my way to the front door

i open it too see Tracy,Mike And Liam

"Mrs Scott"i shout

"what?"she asks walking out seeing them

her eyes widen in shock

"Lydia Darling Go To Your Room"she says sweetly

"yes mrs scott"i say

she gives me a warning look

"yes m-um"i say before running up the stairs hiding in my wardrobe

a few minutes later my room door opens and i hear liams voice

"Lyd?"he asks he looks around and sighs before looking at the wardrobe

he then walks to it opening it seeing me

"oh lydia come on"he says picking me up out of the wardrobe

"you're coming home"he says picking up my bag throwing all my things in it

"mr scotts got my phone"i announce

"mrs scott gave it to me"he says throwing it at me making me flinch

"sorry"he says kissing my head

"come on"he says grabbing my hand pulling me down to be met with mr and mrs scott as well as tracy and mike

liam pushs me at tracy and hands her my bag

"if you ever come near my sister EVER again I will KILL you"liam warns before pulling me out the front door

Time Skip

i stand with mike,frank,gina and liam at the front door laughing at tracy who is learning how to drive cams car

she starts reversing and

frank goes to the right and me,liam,gina and mike go to the left seperating so she doesn't hit us

me,liam and frank encourage her to reverse a few minutes later and she does hitting the 'Elm Tree House' Sign making me and the boys howl in laughter she goes forward a little and mike fixes the sign

mike then sends us in and johnny runs to us

"quickly right,what opens doors in flordia,come on!"johnny asks

"battering rams?" liam says

johnny then runs making me follow him

to find toby in the office

"battering rams?"johnny says to toby

"not battering rams something else!"toby says

"keys?"i say

"keys!"toby says

"the florida keys"he says into the phone as liam runs in then frank.

"correct"the voice says

"he's wining a holiday in florida!"johnny tells us as i sit down next to him he smiles at me

i smile back before looking back at toby

gina and mike then walk through the front door and we run out the opisit door we keep going until we get to the cupboard

the voice then asks a question the boys all start talking while toby hushes them

"alligator"toby says

"congratulations!You Have Now won you're fabulous free holiday in Florida!"the voice says as we all party whoop whoop!

"right guys i'm leaving now"i state

"what why?"liam asks

"i'm in a cupboard surounded by boys not my tipical way to spend the day see ya!"i say before running out.

i stand in the living room fixing the pool table

"hey wanna play?"liam asks me walking in

"sure game on"i say

a few minutes later Frank,Johnny And Toby all join in

"again i'm with you's lot"i say

"okay so everyone know the plan?"liam asks

"i can't believe we're actually going through with this"johnny says

"Lydia!"i hear tee shout

"see ya"i say before bolting out the door.

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