Chapter Three

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Mr And Mrs Scott where coming to see toby and mike asked me and toby to go to the office

"Right Toby,Lydia Sit Down,the plan has changed not only are they looking for a boy their looking for a girl and rob has said your a perfect match so toby,lydia you too better start getting ready."mike says with a smile

"mike no what about Liam"i say

"Rob Thinks It's Best To Try And Get You Two Fostered ....Separately"mike announces

"Uh This Is So Unfair i don't want to leave liam"i shout before running out the office slamming the door

only too see a shocked frank

i look at him before bolting up the stairs to my room

i throw myself on my bed and lay there for a few moments thinking

until i heard my brother and frank talking outside my locked door

"what did mike say exactly?"liam asks

"some thing like...rob says it's better to get you two fostered Separately"frank says

i hear liam sigh and then footsteps

"Lyd open the door"i hear liam say

"No Get Lost"i shout at him

"Lydia Open The Door Come On!"he says

"No!"i shout back

after that i spent most of my day in my room until the scotts came

i got dressed and fixed my make up before walking down the stairs to where they would be

i knocked on the door and saw a couple sitting across from mike

after a few minutes johnny and tee came in and that was a laugh but then they left again and the couple just smiled at me

"So Lydia,Tell Us About You"Mrs Scott Says

"My Names Lydia,My Favorite Color Is Blue,I Have An Older Brother Called Liam And I don't want to be separated from him."i state as mike coughs awkwardly as the door opens and toby and tracy appear covered in paint

later on we stand at the door talking to the scotts

Toby had told him he didn't want to get fostered the only problem was...Rob Called Me And Told Me To Go i knew i didn't really have a chance so Tomorrows My Last Day At The Dumping Ground And No Body But Me,Mike,Gina,Rob And The Scotts Know

i take a deep breath before waving off my new mum and dad

we then walk back into the house and go to the living room where liam and the others stand

"i'm not leaving"toby says everyone cheers and look at me smiling as liam walks towards me

"But I Am"i say liams smile drops before i bolt up to my room to begin packing

i look out the window seeing everyone happy even liam i feel myself smile before i go back to packing.

The Next Morning 

I Wake Up with the sun shining in my room i stand up and get changed before un making my bed

i walk down to the bathroom brushing my teeth

i then walk down to the kitchen grabbing a slice of toast i hear a van pull up and look out the window seeing the scotts

"Mike! The Scotts Are Here"i shout suddenly everyone's in the room

as mike runs outside greeting them

i watch as johnny,tee,lily,carmen and toby all run up stairs coming back down with my boxes soon enough all my things where in the van

i said goodbye to sapphire and harry first,then lily,rosie,poppy,lily and carmen,then gus and toby,then tee and johnny and then frank as liam came running out he looks around until he notices me he then starts running until he gets to me.

"This Is Really Happing Then?My Baby Sister Is Leaving The Dumping Ground All By Herself?"He asks

"I'm Sorry I don't Want To Leave You Rob Told Me -i-uh read this when im gone"i state handing him the letter i wrote he nods putting it in his back pocket before hugging me and something that hardly ever happens starts to happen

"Liam O'Donovan Are You Crying?"i ask making him blush

"No"he says hugging me tighter

"i love you big brother"i say

"i love you too"he says pulling away before kissing my head and walking over to stand with Frank

"See You Later"i say to them all before getting in the van

the van starts and we pull out leaving my Family Behind.

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