oooo Freak out!

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"Sweetheart, its time for school!"
I swear my mom does not know what the word quiet means. I grab a pillow and cover my head with it.

"Jamie Elisa Suarez if you don't come out of that bed this instant i will wet you with the coldest water i can find!"

That woke me in an instant.

"I'm up!" i yelled downstairs.

I hated cold water and at five in the morning,the water would probably be the same temperature as the South pole. Just thinking about it gave me goosebumps.

As i got out of bed i thought about how much i hated Mondays and that if it were a person i would beat the bitch. I mean Mondays are just as crappy as every other week day but it was sooo much worst. It started a new week, which meant it signaled the count down until my finals, until i was done with school and every Monday i was filled with dread.
With a loud sigh i said my prayers asking God to give me strength for what ever came my way and then i went downstairs.

"Morning" i barely grumbled to my mom and overly cheery, nine year old pest of a little brother. Why is that kid so happy on a Monday? I just shook my head, there was nothing i could say.
I went outside to get some fresh air and watch the sunrise. Just then i remember a poem by: William Wordsworth,
'Sonnet composed upon West Minister Bridge,September 3,1802'
In which he talks about how calm the place is before it awakens. That how Mondays always felt, like a calm before a storm....for me at least.

As i placed the hotwater for me to bathe in the bathroom my mom appears in the doorway.

"You know you can get a stroke by bathing with hot water and then stepping out into the cold?"

"Well then i guess its a good thing we live in the tropics where i always step out into the heat." i said with a smirk on my face.

Everyday was the same when it came to my bath. Mom would try desperately to get me to bathe with cold water but that just wasn't going to least not on a Monday.

As i headed out the door mom asked if i hadn't had breakfast why wasn't i taking lunch. She just doesn't get my age breakfast are only on weekends when you can actually enjoy it.

I shake my head at her and smiled "bye mom,love you." i placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Laters manny." i said to my brother Emmanuel using his nickname.

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