Chapter 1: Bottle Up Old Love

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One year before

Flares of lights shot beyond the rubble as the war continued. I collapsed to the floor as my best friend fell into the arms of Fred Weasley; her face unrecognisable with the look of sorrow. He was holding her close, his eyes misty from the tears he had running down his cheeks, which were usually full of joy. In front of them, lay Nymphadora Tonks, Arina's sister. She was pale, frail and looked as if all the life had been sucked out of her completely. Her hair had changed from a bubblegum pink to a dark grey in the space of a minute.

Arina snuggled up to Fred, sobbing into chest, leaving a wet patch on his shirt. Nymphadora was the only true family Arina had; she accepted us as her second family, but no-one could mean more to her than her sister. I sat there, unsure of what to do. The lights had stopped flashing past my face, but an eerie silence had creeped in between the trauma. A mist which had dampened the spirit of Hogwarts had disappeared, and was replaced by a bright ray of sunshine, which shone upon Nymphadoras face. I couldn't bear it any longer; i had to do something. So I clambered onto my feet, and watched Fred pick up Nymphadora. He carried her all the way to the medical centre in Hogwarts where everyone was being treated for injuries. As we entered, all eyes were on us; firstly at Fred, then me and Arina, then Nymphadora. A series of sobs began to echo around the room; people pushing past each other to see what had happened. It was just too much for Arina as she broke down into a flood of tears. 

The one memory I wish I could erase. Arina's family is like my second family, and watching Nymphadora die was like losing a sister and a close friend.

One year later

Diagon Alley was heaving at this time of year, as we tryed to push our way through the crowds. Arina and I were heading to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions as our robes didn't fit from the year before. As we wandered down the neverending street, we passed many familiar faces. One particular face stood out the most though. He was walking about 15 metres in front of us, and was heading this way. Kazimir Aleksandrov, at 6"3 tall, he towers above everyone. His dusty looking brown hair was fluffed up, and his turquoise eyes shimmered as the sun shone down on him. He seemed to be paying no attention to the world surrounding him, and was in his own little world. I nudged Arina to make her look, but she had already noticed. We ambled along, until we were about 5 metres away from him. 

'KAZ!!' I cried as he jumped, looking confused as he looked around to see who was shouting. As he realised who was shouting, a grin tugged on his lips. He strided over to us.

'Rosaline! Arina! How are you both?' he said with his slight Russian accent, which made us collapse into a fit of giggles. Kaz's accent was the funniest you could ever find.

'Yeah! We're both good,' Arina had answered for the both of us, 'I can't believe they've set up Hogwarts again so quickly. Especially after all the destruction and all that jazz.' 

'I know! Pretty impressive though...' He said in a tone of suprise. An eery silence filled the air as we stood there motionless; nobody wanted to move. After a few seconds, I looked around to see Clara Hutson sat on the memorial bench, dedicated to the lost lives of the war, with her nose in a book. She had always been a bookworm, but the book she had in her hands looked heavier than a ton! Her wavy caramel coloured hair was tucked behind her elfish ears as she read through the novel faster than lightning. I thought about going over and talking to her, but we had so much stuff still to get. I snapped out of staring at Clara, and looked back to Kaz and Arina. They had been talking whilst I had gone into my own little world. 

'Anyway, Kaz, we're off to Madam Malkin's for robes, fancy joning us?' I said triumphantly , as i rudely interrupted their conversation. 

'Yeah, sure, I've already been, but the next place i was going to was home, so I can guess my family can wait.' He grinned cheekily. I enjoyed spending time with Kaz.

We wandered off towards Madam Malkin's, all in a line, chatting away as if we hadn't seen each other in years. We were metres away from the shop, when we had a nosy to see who was inside. A boy, with slicked back hair which was a blonde colour, and grey eyes was stood getting measured. Next to him stood a girl, with wavy blonde hair which ended at her waist. She was quite short compared to him. As I looked closer, I could see it was Draco Malfoy and Ella Heart. Ella had had a crush on Draco since 1st year, but no matter how hard we tried to convince her he was a dick, she never believed us. Arina looked at me, and nudged me in the rib, then nodded. It was her way of saying that Ella was flirting again and we should go interrupt. 

'After you ladies' Kaz said as we walked towards the steps, and opened the door...


Hey guys :) sorry it's taken so long to get up! I've been busy with work for GCSE and everything!

Thanks for all the characters sent in! I would have got more in this chapter, but i will next chapter :)

Beth xx

P.S. If you aren't reading 'A life I almost Knew' by MeTheDumbBlonde, GO READ IT NOW :)

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