Katelyn X Travis

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Before I begin, I wanted to say I got the idea to write a one shot book a group of people I do not know personally, but their one shot book is probably better than mine, and you should check them out, their book is really amazing. It's called Minecraft Diaries Oneshots! By:_PhoenixDropped

Anyways, hope you enjoy!


~I thought you loved me~

Katelyn's POV

My chin sat in my hand as I looked at the clock. 'Could the clock move any slower?!' I shouted in my mind as my gaze shifted to my right, the white haired casanova still wouldn't take his eyes off me.

"Tsk." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes and glanced at the clock. I felt him staring into my back, I could picture his bright green eyes piercing into my back without even turning around, he's been doing it all day.

'Stop staring!' I shouted in my head. I turned around once more to see Travis with his arms on his desk, facing my way. Travis sat two rows behind me and three seats to my right.

His bright green eyes met my ice blue ones. I couldn't read his eyes, but I already knew he would try to apologize to me, at least this is my last class. I looked down and turned around in my seat, I didn't want to look at that liar anymore.


'The Bell!' I thought in my mind as I grabbed the books off my desk and stood up. I ran out of the classroom before I could be stopped by Travis for the third time today. I made it to my locker and tried to put the combination in. I fumbled with it multiple times, probably since I was in a hurry. I heard it click as I pulled it open. I grabbed my baby blue backpack and un-zipped it. I tossed in my books and closed it, slinging the straps onto my shoulders. I slammed my locker shut, hearing it echo with the other lockers being shut by high school students ready to get out of this hell known as school.

I tried to blend in with the crowd as much as possible. I scanned around the massive crowd that was practically jumping on each other just to get out of here, but it's Friday, so it's not surprising.

As I moved with the crowd I spotted him trying to push his way through, so I did the same. I squeezed my way through the crowd, and as I made it out the door I heard him calling my name. "Katelyn, wait!"

I picked up my pace as I heard him call my name. I scowled unintentionally, I just could not deal with him right now.

After about 8 minutes of speed walking. I finally made it to my driveway. I felt relief wash over me, never before had I been so happy to arrive home. I placed one foot on the gray concrete that started my driveway, but then I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I stopped in my tracks, I instantly felt irritated, couldn't he just leave me alone?!

I let out a loud irritated sigh and turned around. I saw his bright green eyes first, this time being able to read his expression. His face looked pained, and I tried my best to feel no sympathy for the white haired casanova.

"What do you want Travis?" I said while shooting daggers at him. "You know why I'm here, to apologize." He replied putting his hands in his pockets. He tried to meet my eyes, but I just looked at my old sea green TOMS.

"Why don't you go make out with Lucinda, your new fling?" I replied bitterly as I folded my arms, finally looking at Travis.

"Come on Katelyn, I'm sorry, she means nothing to me! I'm so sorry!" He pleaded again. I looked back at the ground and didn't respond, but I felt tears in the corners of my eyes as I remembered when Travis broke my heart.


I walked out of the girls locker room, feeling tired after volleyball practice. I stretched my arms up as I walked out of the building waiting for Travis, since he was in drama club.

Today was Wednesday, and all the clubs met today. Travis and I had gotten together on Monday, after months of Travis flirting and begging to be my boyfriend. We even had our first kiss, which still made me smile just thinking about it.

I stood by the doors, waiting about thirty minutes for Travis, and I saw lots of club members leaving, but I didn't see him. I waited another ten minutes, then stepped inside myself. I navigated my way through the halls and stopped when I made it to the auditorium. I pushed open the heavy doors and walked by the many rows of comfortable black seats until I reached the stairs that took people up to the stage. I walked up the stairs and walked behind the stage.

I saw lots of costumes and props spread out everywhere, but the room was completely empty. I was about to check somewhere else when I saw the door to the changing rooms. I opened the door to the boy's changing room first, peeking my head in. It was completely empty, luckily. I then walked into the girl's changing room, fully this time, since I am a girl.

I saw a sight I didn't need to see. It was my boyfriend kissing Lucinda, a girl with bright orange hair and red eyes, someone I hated in every way possible. I felt tears in my eyes and I didn't bother to wipe them away. I turned around and walked out. I knew he saw me, but I wasn't turning around. By then, I knew we were over.

-Flashback Over-

I felt my anger rise again, I was done with Travis, if he loved me, he wouldn't have made out with my enemy. Or any other girl at all! "Please Katelyn I don't-" I raised my hand to stop him. "Don't, if you actually loved me, you wouldn't go kiss another girl!" I shouted. "We're through Travis, get it through your thick skull!"

I turned in my heel and walked up my driveway and through my door. Leaving a regretful Travis behind.

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