Aphmau X Garroth

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I feel like I spend too much planning these out. I also don't understand why I did an Aphmau X Garroth. I
don't really even ship them, no offense if you do. I am personally an Aarmau shipper, but I will try my best to make this oneshot as great as I can make it! I also know this is late, it took me a while to write, so sorry! I've not been motivated to write, or finish this one shot, so I apologize. I feel that this author's note is too long now , so let's get on with the story!

Hope you enjoy!

~The Bet~

~Aphmau's POV~

I am a total idiot. An idiot that let Ivy get under her skin. An idiot that is in Garroth Ro'meave's closet.

Yes, the Garroth Ro'meave's closet, the cutest guy at school that all the girls fawn over, and he also happens to be my crush.

Now I know what your probably thinking. 'Aphmau, how did you end up in Garroth's closet?'

Ivy. Ivy happened.



I walked down the hall with Katelyn walking to my right and Travis to my left. How I got them to walk together, I will never know. "Katelyn, I know Travis can be annoying, but he is our friend, and we shouldn't punch friends." I said in a calm voice, while holding Katelyn's hands, which were balled into fists.

"I don't know why I am friends with someone like him!" She replies harshly, while glaring at Travis with eyes that could kill.

"All I said was that your butt was looking  fiiiiine~" Travis replied with a smirk on his face, that soon disappeared when Katelyn almost got passed me. "Ahh! Aphmau protect me!" Travis shouted in fear, gripping my shoulders. "Don't worry Travis I-" I stopped as soon as I saw Garroth walking over. "Hey Aphmau." Garroth greeted walking over to me. I stepped out of Katelyn's way and walked over to Garroth, hearing Travis groan in pain as Katelyn punched him multiple times.

"H-hi G-Garrroth." I say while looking down, a light blush tinting my face. He smiled at me before speaking. "You look adorable when you blush." I squeaked and continued to look down, he makes me so nervous.

"Aphmau, help me!" Travis yelled, while Katelyn held him up by his collar. I completely ignored him, my thoughts completely occupied by Garroth. "U-um d-did you need something?" I muttered quietly. "Um, yeah actually, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout Sunday?" He said, scratching the back of his neck, a light blush covering his cheeks.

"W-what? l-like a d-d-date?!?" I stuttered out of nervousness. "Yeah, like a date." He said smiling. How can he act like this was nothing?! I was normally confident and silly around my friends, but with Garroth, I felt like one word could end our friendship, and my heart starts to pound and my mind gets all mushy, and I can't think straight. Uhh, boys.

"Y-yeah, I-I'd love to h-hang out with you, G-Garroth. He just smiled. "Great! I'll pick you up around five, okay?" He replied. "O-Okay!" I chirped out, a smile on my face.

"Not be creepy, but can I have your address? I would like to pick you up." He asked. "Oh, y-yeah, I forgot." I said to Garroth. We both took out our phones and traded numbers, then I sent him my address, and for some reason, he sent me his.

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