Garroth X Laurance

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Okay, some context, Garroth has just moved to town, him and Laurance are like, 9-11, and Laurance is in love with flower crowns and like to give make-overs (Courtesy of Cadenza).

Now, onto the oneshot!

"You look new."

I look up and saw a boy with a red jacket. He had blue pants and cream colored shoes. He also had a light blue flower crown on his head.

"Um, I am..."

"Cool! Nice to meet you! I'm Laurance." He was really energetic, and had a really big grin, and his hands were also resting on his hips.

"My names Garroth." I whispered as I played with my fingers, I've never really been good at talking. I'm also kinda awkward...

It was quiet for a couple of seconds after that, and when I eventually looked up, he was staring at me with a hand under his chin.


"Why are you-"

"Stand up."

The brunette boy grabbed my left hand with both of his, and pulled me up off the curb I was sitting on.

"What are you-"

"Shh! I'm thinking."

He interrupted me again, but I stayed quiet after that. I figured why talk if he was going to talk over me?

I stayed still, and felt really awkward, since he was still staring at me. Through this though, I did notice that I'm taller than him, it may only be by a little bit, but it still counts!

I stopped my thoughts when I saw him reach and grab his crown off his head. What is he doing? It looked nice on him.

His tongue was sticking slightly out of his mouth, as he placed it on my own head, very seriously, and carefully.

"There." Laurance had said, after he spent like, 2 minutes making it straight. He took a step back, like he was admiring me. Weird.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked when it looked like his admiring session was over.

"You looked sad. Also, it looks better on you, blue is most definitely you color."

What he said made me kind of embarrassed. Was that a compliment? I think it was... is that why my face's hot?

I looked down at my toes, which were covered by my white shoes, and I also played with my fingers once again. But apparently, Laurance still wasn't done.

"Now all we need is a smile."

"A smile?"

"Yeah, then I will have made you happy, and I'll be a hero!" He sounded really excited, he was also kinda loud.

But he wanted to be a hero? My hero? I don't think I really need saving, but maybe I do and don't know it. Wait, I'm doing that overthinking thing Mummy and Dad always say I do.

"You're still not smiling." I heard Laurance say, and I looked away. Getting lost in your thoughts in front of people is kind of embarrassing.

I shrugged as an answer to Laurance's question, and I think it made him annoyed, because he sighed like he was frustrated.

"If you won't smile on your own, then I'll help you."

I was gonna protest and asked what he meant, but he was too quick for me too. He put his hands on my face- well cheeks, and used his thumbs to make me smile.

He's a very determined person, but his plan worked because he made me laugh, mostly at his face since he was making a weird face at me.

When he walked away after a couple of seconds, he seemed satisfied, since I kept the smile on my face, and was still laughing a little.

"There! Now you're happy!"

"Hehe, I guess so."

After that, we kept talking, and we sat on the curb since we didn't wanna stand anymore. But eventually, Laurance had to go because his Mom called him.

"Awww, I don't wanna go!" He whined, after we both stood up, I was kinda sad too.

"Me either, but, we can meet here tomorrow."

His eyes lit up like fireflies at my idea.

"Yeah! We'll meet here tomorrow at 2:30, sharp!"

"Laurance! It's time to come inside!" His mother called once again, and Laurance waved before running back to his house a little down the road form mine.

"Bye Garroth!" I heard him shout.

"Bye Laurance!" I shouted back, and I cupped my hands around my mouth.

A small smile was on face as I turned around and walked up my grey concrete driveway, and up the steps to my plain, white, house.

I think I'll actually like living here.

Okay, I know it's not my best, and I haven't uploaded in like a month, so sorry about that. I've kinda had a writing slump, and I've been working on other stuff as well, so this book was on hold I guess?

But, about this oneshot, I might more like it, since I love the idea of all of the MyStreet characters going to the SMAE school together as kids, so expect more like this one.

That's all I've got for now, soooooo, have a good day/night!


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