chapter 8

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Mella and I walked up to Nicole. "did you bring all of the death scythes?" I asked.

She nodded her head and said "yes. All you have to do is summon them. To summon them you need to picture them in your hand and believe that they are really there. Then they will be."

I smiled. "thanks."

"no problem." she replied.

While all this was happening Mella was just watching us munching on pancakes.

Then I remembered about Sebastian. "guys I forgot about Sebastian I'll be right back!" I said running into the manor.

After running around for a while I am about to give up. "Sebastian where the heck are you?"


I walk around a corner and he's standing right there. For once in my life I don't jump when he appears like that.

"oh good your here!" I said smiling up at him evilly.

"what do you need?" he asks curiously probably because of my smile.

"I need you to bring me Nicole and Mella to Claude so that we may kill him." I say the smile never leaving my face.

"I have to ask bochan." he says turning to Ciel's study.

I grabbed his hand (cue inner fangirl) and said "that's the best part! I already asked and he said you could come with me for a while!" then I started dragging him to the door.

I don't think he was trying to get away because he was easy to drag out the door.

Once we got outside I introduced Nicole and Sebastian saying, "before you ask, Sebastian, this is Nicole Camio. She is a trusted friend and brought most of the weapons needed to kill Claude."

He just nodded in her direction as a sign of acknowledgement. I smiled 'ok now we need to find mr. Buttface.' I thought to myself.

"so Sebby... You said you knew where Claude was?" I asked.

"yes. Follow me." he said walking away.

"We're here." he said as we got to the Trancy manor.

I face-palmed. "are you kidding me? If I had known he was here I would have already killed him by now!" I said exasperated.

Mella was simply laughing at me. I glared at her and she shut up.

"now what?" Nicole asked.

"we go and knock on the door." I said walking up to said door.

I knocked the usual three times but was met with silence. "maybe he's not home?" Mella asked shrugging her shoulders.

I shrugged mine too. "maybe." I was about to turn and walk away when the door opened. Nobody was there. "ok I guess he's home..." I say cautiously walking into the door.

After all three of us are inside the door slams shut behind us. I jump, not expecting it, and grab on to the nearest person to me who just happened to be Sebastian.

He looks at me and chuckles. I let go and start walking deeper into the manor. There was spiderwebs everywhere. "I hate spiders." I say rubbing my arms in discomfort, and shivering a bit.

My tail swished around me uneasily. "your not afraid of this manor are you?" Sebastian asks amusement in his voice.

"pffff... No! What gave you that idea?" I say walking ahead of him.

He pops up in front of me and I jump.. Yet again.. He laughs and says "that."

"I'm about to kill someone. It's ok to be jumpy. You are a demon who kills people all the time so you wouldn't be jumpy." I say crossing my arms across my chest.

He just turns and walks ahead of me. I hear a sound of someone laughing behind us and I jump worse than all of the times Sebastian scared me combined. I turned around.

"well well Michaelis. I must say I didn't expect you to come and visit me." Claude said stepping out from the shadows to our right.

I backed up a bit. Claude looks at Sebastian then looks to me. "who's your friend?" he asks.

I back up further. I summon Nicole's ninja stars. "I am Alice Moon." I say bowing slightly. "and I am your worst nightmare." I say glaring into his eyes with pure hatred.

His face stayed as emotionless as always. "HOW DARE YOU KILL ALOIS!!!" I scream throwing the ninja stars at his face. They hit him dead center in the forehead.

I summon grell's chainsaw and slice him through the chest in the same way grell killed madame red. "HE WAS JUST A BOY!" I say while doing this.

I then summon undertaker's scythe and cut his arms off. "THIS IS FOR WHEN YOU SMASHED HIS HEAD!" I proceeded to cut his legs off saying "AND THIS IS FOR ALL THE TIMES YOU WISHED YOU COULD HAVE KICK HIM IN THE FACE!!"


Some of his blood was on my outfit by this point but I didn't care. I was finally getting revenge for all of the things he has done.

Finally I summoned Ronald's lawn mower. "and this is for everything else." I say while running over his limbs with the lawn mower.

When I was done I was breathing heavily. All of the body parts (even though thy were all cut up) turned to dust, signifying that he was definitely dead.

There was still blood everywhere. That was all that remained of Claude.

It was then that I noticed everyone was gone. "guys..." I whined afraid of being alone. I walked around for a while looking for them.

"Mella, Sebastian, Nicole! Where did you guys go?" I asked.

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