chapter 13

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The ride back to the manor seemed to fly by. It felt as if only a minute had passed.

When we did get back setting up the party was pretty fast. After setting up the party in the garden, I went inside to get dressed.

My dress went down to just above my knees. The top was strapless and a dark purple color, while the skirt part was black. It was the kind of dress that flares up when you spin.

After getting dressed, I put on my necklace and had to put on my glasses because I lost my contacts. (I forgot to tell you she needs glasses. Oh well.) I went downstairs and to the kitchen to get to the garden.

When I was in the kitchen I saw that no one brought out the cake, so I grabbed it and brought it outside. No it's not anyone's birthday but all parties need cake, right?

I put the cake in the middle of the food table and turned around. I smiled as I looked at everyone standing around ready for the party to start.

Everyone invited was there. The only people missing were Ciel and Sebastian. I was wondering whether or not I should look for them when someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped ever so slightly and turned around.

As always it was Sebastian. One of the only people ever to scare me. OK that's a lie. I get scared relatively easy.

Sebastian smiles at me. "Hello Alice. Though the party is okay I would like to inquire of the occasion."

"Well for one parties are fun. For another its a way early birthday for Ciel."

"Well I advise you not to tell him that. He may not even come."

I frowned. "Aww but I made him a cake too."

"He's in his room if you are wanting to try get him down here."

I smile evilly. "Sounds like a plan." With that I turn back to the manor and start up the steps to Ciel's room.

When I get up there I knock on his door, because I'm not completely crazy, and I know that he likes his space. (Not that I have ever given it to him before.)

When he doesn't answer right away I decide to go in. I sneak in just in case he is sleeping. Just as I predicted, when I went in he was lying in his bed. His eyes were closed, so i snuck up by his bed. I smile looking down on his young self.

I sit on the bed beside him and shake him awake. His eyes open slightly and he looks to me. Once he realizes who it is he groans. "What do you want?" He asks irritated.

"Hey is that anyway to act toward the person throwing a party for you, and mostly myself, but still you."

He buries his face in his pillows and mumbles, "go away."

"I will not. I am determined to get you out of bed, and when I set my mind to something, I can do anything I want to." He groans again.

He sits up slightly, and looks at me more closely. "Why do you hate me so?"

I sigh and shake my head. "I don't hate you at all, silly. I just need you to come to this party and at least pretend to have fun!"

He sits up completely and sits beside me, looking like a pouty child. "I don't want to go. That's why I came up here to take a nap."

"Aww poor little baby, can't take a nap because he has a party to go to. Now you can either walk down the steps and outside with your own feet, or you can be carried by me. Which would you like?"

He sighs, accepting defeat, and says, "At least go out of the room so I can change."

I smile stand and skip out of the room, bowing before closing the door. In 5ish minutes I hear a groan of frustration from inside the room. "Did you forget to get Sebastian to help you?"

He opens the door and peaks out at me. "No... I just cant tie the bow..."

I roll my eyes. "Sure. Here I will tie it for you."

"No you can't come in here. I'm not completely dressed yet."

"Oh please, I had a little brother. I can help you get dressed if you really need the help." I open the door despite his efforts to keep me out and when I see him, his outfit is completely disheveled. I sigh. "I should have known you would need a lot of help."

Ciel glares at me, and I feel a hand on my shoulder for a second time today. "I have it from here, Alice." Sebastian has yet again appeared behind me.

"Whatever you say Sebastian..." I leave the room hiding a blush, but when I close the door, I lean my back against it and sigh quietly. He either needs to stop sneaking up on me and, or, stop making me freak out like this. I am too old to fangirl for this stuff anymore. The truth is that I am not too old to fangirl about this. I just didn't want to accept that I still liked the demon butler. Then again, I also liked the Undertaker, and William, so my fangirling wasn't just around here.

I wait outside the room until they come back out. Then we all go down the stairs to the party, which was a great success by the way.  

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