chapter 12

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Only after we got to the queen's palace did I realize that we forgot Selene. I sighed murmuring to myself, "well we can always go back for her."

I get offy horse and go up to the giant double doors to knock. Right as my knuckles are about to rap on the door Courtney opens it and hugs me shouting, "ALICE!!"

Smiling, I hug her back. "How have you been?"

She pulls back still holding me at arms length. "Its been three years and all you can say is 'how have you been?'?"

"Uh yeah?" I asked rather than stated.

She laughs and grabs my hand running down to our horses. "Quickly before mother notices I'm gone!"

I laugh and just go with it. When we get back to the others I say, "we forgot to get Selene. She's at the undertakers so we can invite him too when we are there! Let's go!"

Everyone mounts their horses excepting Courtney. Since Courtney is and angel, however, she uses her wings to fly along behind us.

We quickly get back to Undertaker's shop. After telling everyone to stay outside I go inside.

I see Selene as soon as I walk in the door. She is facing the other direction so I sneak up behind her and hug her.

"Hey Selene what's up?" I ask and she jumps in surprise. Turning around she returns the hug.

"Alice! Its nice to see you again!" she says pulling out of the hug.

I smile. "We are having a party tonight and you are expected to come!"

"OK!" She says and nods. She turns to the back room. "UNDERTAKER IM GOING TO A PARTY WITH ALICE ILL SEE YOU TONIGHT!"

After she shouts that I say that he's invited to and tell him to come around 8. He agrees and I head outside with Selene.

After everyone says hi we mount the horses again and head back to the manor to get ready for the party.

Black rose at sunset (sequel to In love with a killer)Where stories live. Discover now