Chapter 8

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I walked out and met up with the others.

"This is why we won't give him a chance," Leo said.

"You know," I said. "I think I liked it better when you wouldn't talk."

"What is your problem?" Leo said.

"You're my problem!" I said. "I'm the only one who's trying to get him to feel comfortable here! Me! Not you, not dad, me! In fact I'm trying so hard I actually told him my story!"

"You tell him your story, but not us?!" Leo yelled. "We've known each other for how long and you tell him?!"

"Yes, because he needed it!" I said. "Now he has someone to trust and he's going to get comfortable here. Thanks to me. Maybe you should try. He's taking an interest in us. He wants to know more about you guys. Maybe you should let him and do the same."

"No, absolutely not," Leo said. "He may be stuck with us, but he is not a part of this family."

"Do you guys hear yourselves right now?!" I said. "No wonder why he has so many issues! He has no one there for him!"

"He killed someone!" Leo said.

"Yeah, and how many people have we killed, Leo!?," I said. "A lot! On accident or not, we killed people. How about you dad? How many people have you killed when you were in a gang?"

Everyone was silent.

"How many times do I have to say that we are no better than he is, and we still had someone love us no matter what. And we changed," I said. "If grandma and grandpa didn't take dad in, or gave up on him, he would still be out on the street. If dad didn't take us in, or gave up on us we would still be out on the street. Cole will still be out on the street if we don't help him. And if I'm the only one who's going to do that, if I'm the only one who's going to make him my family, I'll do that. If that's what its going to take."

"He's right," Austin said. "I'm going to go talk to him."

"Are you serious?" Leo asked.

"As a heart attack," Austin said. He walked in the cell Cole is in along with the others.

I went in with them, leaving Leo behind.

I'm glad I changed their minds. Now if I decide to go, he'll have other people here to care for him. He won't be alone.



You're about to find out about the boys' and David's past.

Im super excited about it, I hope you are too.

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X- A

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