Part 2

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Everyone already left only you were there with the security.

You: Can I go now?

Security: For the last time…NO!

You: Ok!

After few minutes security takes you to a room.

Security: Stay here.

You: Fine!

You sit down on the couch and wait. Nobody came in. When you stand up the door opens. You only see a hand and a foot. The door closes again. You sit down and didn't know what is going on.

Because it was late and you were tired, you fall asleep on the couch.

You hear some noise and you wake up. You sit down and look around you. You hear someone, but you didn't see nothing, because it was dark. You stand up and someone takes your hand. You get scared and run to the door. He takes your hand and pulls you close to him. You can feel his breathing and the light turns on.

It was James and you were standing so close to him, that you could feel his breathing. James smiles at you.

James: I am sorry for scaring you.

You: James? What are you doing here?

James: This is my dressing room.

You: But…the security told me to stay here.

James: I know *smile*

You: What? Why?

James: I told them to do that.

You: Why?

James: I thought you are a big fan and you want to talk with me.

You: Yes but…

James: And…I wanted to see you *blush*

You: You wanted to see me?

James: Yes *smile*

You: Really? Are you sure?

James: I am sure *smile*

You: Am I dreaming?

James: You are not dreaming this is the real life.

You: Ok….I…

James: Don't say nothing *smile* Sit down and let's talk a bit.

You: Ok *smile*

You sit down on the couch and James sits next to you. He was smiling at you and when you saw his beautiful hazel eyes you died a little bit inside.

James: Are you ok?

You: Yes…I am fine *smile*

James: So your favorite song is No Idea.

You: Yes.

James: Why?

You: It is so beautiful and sad. It reminds me of myself.

James: What do you mean?

You: I am in love with someone and…he doesn't even know that I exist.

James: Oh…Is that person…me?

You: I…I am really sorry. I want to stay here with you but I have to go.

James: Wait!

You: I am sorry!

You stand up and go to the door. James goes after you and grabs your hand.

James: Why are you going?

You: I…I can't do this *start crying*

You run away and start crying. You couldn't stand this. James means everything to you and if you would be with him there you would be hurt even more. You just want to kiss him and be with him, but this is not possible.

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