Part 16

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The next morning you wake up and James was not in bed.

You see a note that says: Morning sweetie. I had to go studio so I am not whit you. I am really sorry and I love you Xoxo, JM

You go to the kitchen and see that James prepared you breakfast. I eat it and then you go home to your house.

At home you watched TV and waiting for James to call you.

*After 2 hours your phone rings*

You: James?

Jesse: Amm….no. It's me Jesse.

You: Oh…Hey.

Jesse: You didn't expect me to call, right?

You: No just….I was waiting for a call.

Jesse: Ok…I was thinking if you have time today.

You: Ammm…I don't have any plans so…

Jesse: Good so….Can I see you today?

You: Amm…Sure *smile*

Jesse: Ok *smile* We can go on a coffee or something?

You: Perfect *smile*

Jesse: Ok…I'll see you then.

You: Yes *smile*

Jesse: Bye.

You: Bye.

James still didn't call you, so you call him. But he doesn't answer you.

*with Jesse*

Jesse: How are you?

You: I am good…You?

Jesse: Me too but…you don't seem so good.

You: Really?

Jesse: Yes, it's something wrong?

You: No just…never mind.

Jesse: Ok…So what were you doing from the last time I saw you?

You: I was in Canada and home.

Jesse: In Canada? Cool.

You: Yes *smile* I was there only for 2 days but it was awesome.

Jesse: Only 2 days?

You: Yes.

Jesse: Ok *smile*

You: What did you do?

Jesse: Me? I was in studio writing new song, with my friends and….I was thinking about…you.

You: Really? About me? *smile*

Jesse: Yes *smile*

You: Nice *smile*

Jesse: Nice *smile*

You: A new song you say?

Jesse: Yep *smile*

You: Great. You are a great writer.

Jesse: Thank you *smile*

You: It’s true *smile*

Jesse: If you say so *smile*

You: I do *smile*

Jesse: Good *smile*

You: Good *smile*

You and Jesse were talking and suddenly 2 hour went by.

You: Oh God! Look at the time.

Jesse: Wow!

You: I know *smile* I love to talk with you, but I have to go.

Jesse: Me too.

You: I quess I'll see you soon.

Jesse: Yes *smile*

You: Bye.

Jesse: Bye.

He kisses you on the check and in that moment James comes along and sees you.

James: What is that?

You: James! Hey!

James: Why is he kissing you?

Jesse: I just kissed her on check for good bye.

James: She is my girlfriend!

You: James…

Jesse: Sorry…but it didn't mean nothing.

You: It was a friend kiss….on check.

James: I am sorry…I saw you two together and I got jealous.

Jesse: It's ok…So I'll see you soon. Bye.

You: Bye.

James: I am really sorry.

You: You really thought I would kiss somebody else?

James: No just…

You: I would never do this to you. I love you to much.

James: I love you too. I am sorry.

You: It's ok *kiss him*

James: And sorry about this morning.

You: You had to go to work.

James: I am sorry.

You: It's ok *smile*

James: I love you.

You: I love you too *kiss him*

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