Part 26

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You and James were lying in the bed hugging.

James: Today is Sunday so we are going home.

You: I want to stay here with you forever.

James: Me too *smile*

You: Just me and you *smile*

James: Maybe next weekend we can go too.

You: I would love to *smile*

James: And we can go surfing.

You: Oh yeah! I didn't surf for like…3 months.

James: You know how to surf?

You: Yes, why?

James: That's awesome but…

You: What?

James: I wanted to teach you how to surf.

You: Oh *smile*

James: I thought you would like that.

You: I would *smile*

James: But you know how to surf and that is awesome *smile*

You: I love you so much.

James leans close to your face and whispers in your ear: You have no idea how much I love you.

He smiles at you and kisses you.

*Back home with the boys*

Kendall: So everything is ok with you two?

You: Yes *smile*

Carlos: I'm really happy for you two *smile*

James: Thank you.

Kendall: No more fighting?

You: No more *smile*

Logan: In that case…I'm happy for you two *smile*

You: Just one more thing…James don't be jealous on Jesse *smile*

James: I can't promise anything *smile*

You: We are just friends.

James: I know just… You said you had a crush on him and…

You: Ok *smile* you are right. He was my first crush BUT I love you.

James: Ok *smile* But if he tries something I will kill him.

You: Don't do that! *smile*

James: I won't because I love you *smile*

Carlos: Why are you two so cute?

L&K: Awwwww *smile*

James: Shut up! *smile*

You: You guys are so funny *smile*

Kendall: We know.

James: Yes *smile*

Logan: Oh! I almost forgot! James!

James: What?

Logan: I have a message for you!

James: Ok…but….why are you shouting?

Logan: I don't know!

James: Ok…

Logan: Someone told me to tell you that the person really enjoyed last night in the club.

James: What are you talking about?

Logan: I can't tell you this in front of everybody.

James: Why not?

Logan: I just can't!

James: Ok…then…send me a message.

Logan: Ok *he texts James*

James: WHAT!?

Logan: I told you.

You: What is wrong?

James: I…

Logan: I'm really sorry but this is something between me and James.

You: Oh…Ok then *smile*

James: You are not mad?

You: No *smile* It's your and Logan's stuff.

James: Ok.

Kendall: What should we do now?

You: I really don't know.

Carlos: I'm hungry.

Logan: Really? You are always hungry!

James: It's always like that.

You: Good too now *smile*

Logan: I will go for some drinks in the kitchen.

Logan goes in the kitchen.

Logan: James! I need help!

James: I'm coming!

You: What is up with them?

Kendall: I don't know…they are stupid *smile*

You: Ok *smile* Where is here the bathroom?

Carlos: Behind these door there.

You: Thank you.

You come out of the bathroom and hear Logan and James talking.

James: She said that?

Logan: Those were the words she said.

James: But…I don't remember doing this.

Logan: I don't know man.

James: I didn't do it with her.

Logan: Then why did she say that?

James: I don't know. I just know that I was with [YN] that night.

Logan: I don't know.

James: Please don't tell [YN] about that.

Logan: I won't.

James: Thank you.

You go back to Carlos and Kendall.

Kendall: Everything ok?

You: Yes *smile*

Kendall: Ok *smile*

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