Part 11

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You wanted to look really beautiful for your date with James. You don't have a lot of dresses so you go shopping. In the store you see Kendall buying some clothes. You want to go to him, but you change your mind and go look for a dress.

When you go out of the shopping center you bump into someone.

You: I am so sorry.

Kendall: It's ok *smile*

You: Kendall?

Kendall: Hey! Are you the girl we sang No Idea too?

You: Yes, it's me *smile*

Kendall: Nice to see you again *smile*

You: Same *smile*

Kendall: What are you doing here?

You: I was buying a dress for tonight.

Kendall: Oh *smile* you have a date?

You: Yes *smile*

Kendall: Cool *smile*James would be really sad if he would see you with your date.

You: What? Why?

Kendall: Never mind *smile*

You: Ok…

Kendall: Hope to see you soon.

You: Yes *smile* Bye!

Kendall: Bye!

At home you put your new dress on, some make up and you curly your hair.

The door bell rings and you go open it. James was standing there in blue shirt, with a black jacket and skinny jeans. In his hand he had flowers.

James: Hey! *smile*

You: Hey *smile*

James: These are for you *gives you flowers*

You: Thank you *smile* I will put them in water.

James: Ok.

You: We can go now *smile*

James: Yes but *smile* we forgot something.

You: What?

James: How could you forget that?

You: Forget what?

James: I thought you love doing these.

You: What?

James: A kiss *smile*

You: Oh! I am so sorry *smile*

James: Well….I will forgive you if *smile* you kiss me.

You: Then I quess I have to kiss you *smile*

You step close to James and he puts his arms around you. You smile and kiss him.

James: I forgive you *smile*

You: Good *smile*

James: We can go now.

James opens the door for you and you sit in the car.

You: I won't ask you where are we going *smile*

James: Why not? *smile*

You: Because you won't tell me *smile*

James: You are wrong *smile* I will tell you.

You: Really?

James: Yes *smile* we are going to eat something and then we are going to cinema.

You: Nice *smile*

James: What?

You: In the cinema….there will be fans too *smile*

James: Oh…you are right.

You: What are we going to do?

James: If they say something I will just say that you are my girl.

You: Your girl? *smile*

James: Ammm *blush* I thought we are…together.

You: We are? *smile*

James: Well….yes *blush*

You: You are blushing again *smile*

James: You said you like it, because I am cute *smile*

You: Yes *smile* and….we are together.

James: We are *smile*

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