Part 6

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*On the plane*

You: Why are we going to do in Canada?

James: We are going on a date.

You: In Canada?

James: Yes *smile*

You: Can't we just go on a date in LA?

James: We can but…our second date will be in Canada.

You: Ok. Wait? Did you say our…second date?

James: Yes…our first date was last night.

You: Sorry?

James: Yes, when I walked you home.

You: That was a date?

James: Yes *smile*

You: But…

James: It was our first date and I didn't kiss you on the lips only on your check.

You: Ammm….James?

James: Yes *smile*

You: Am I dreaming again?

James: No *smile* and this was never a dream. I was always here with you. And by always I mean from yesterday.

You: So…ammm…Where are we going to stay?

James: In a hotel.

You: Ok…but I don't have any clothes to change.

James: I know *smile*

You: Why are you smiling?

James: You will see *smile*

You: Wait! You told me that I don't need nothing with me.

James: I know *smile*

You: Why did you do that?

James: You will see when we come to the hotel.

You: Good thing you are cute.

James: Why?

You: Because I would by so angry right now.

James: I wouldn't love that *smile*

You: Me neither.

James: So…were in you Canada yet?

You: Every year. I go skiing with my friends.

James: Awesome! You know how to snowboard?

You: Yes…why?

James: Just asking.

You: Ok…I will fall asleep.

James: You can lean on my shoulder.

You: I don't want to bother you.

James: You won't *smile*

You: Thank you.

James: Night *smile*

You lean on his shoulder and he puts his arms around you. You put your arm around his waist and fall asleep.

James starts playing with your hair and you wake up.

James: The plane will land in few minutes.

You: Thank you *smile*

James: How did you sleep?

You: It was good.

James: You were sleeping so tight and you were holding my hand.

You: Really? Sorry about that.

James: I didn't say that I didn't like it *smile*

You: Oh…ammm…right now I don't know what to say *smile*

James: You don't need to say nothing *smile* This is weird for you.

You: Yes…

James: You know…I know the look in your eyes.

You: What look?

James: The look when you look at me *smile*

You: And…ammm….how…I mena…

James: Every time you look at me your eyes sparkle and you always smile when you see me.

You: Oh…Well…I can't help it.

James: I know *smile* and don't change that.

You: I am sure I won't change that *smile*

James: Good! *smile*

*In the hotel*

James: A room for Maslow please?

You: Just…one…room?

James: Yes *smile*

You: But…

James: Don't worry, I can sleep on the couch.

You: Ok…just…

James: Let's go to the room.

*In the room*

You: Wow! This is a big room!

James: I know *smile*

You enter in bedroom and James jumps on the bed.

James: Finally! I missed the bed.

You: You missed a…bad?

James: I was sitting and I need bed.

You: Oh *smile* You know…

James: What?

You: We…ammm…we can sleep in the same…bed.

James: You really want to?

You: It will be…you know…but yes, you can sleep in the bed.

James: Ok…but I am warning you.

You: About what?

James: I like to cuddle *smile*

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