Part 7

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You: Awwww! You like to cuddle!

James starts laughing: Yes! Why?

You: Sorry *smile* a fan moment.

James: Oh *smile* You like to cuddle too?

You: Yes…*blush*

James: Good! We have something in common.

You: Yey! We love to cuddle *smile*

James: I will go sleep for few minutes.

You: Ok…Night.

James: Night.

James falls sleep and you sit on the couch. He was so beautiful. When he was sleeping he was like a baby. You wanted to be with him so bad. But you knew that you can't touch him or kiss him.

You were watching TV and you fall sleep. When you wake up James was sitting next to you and staring at you.

James: Morning *smile*

You: James... Was I sleeping?

James: Yes, when I woke up you were sleeping.

You: Oh…I was tired.

James: Yeah me too *smile*

You: What are we going to do now?

James: We are on a date and first we are going snowboarding.

You: Ok…

James: What?

You: All this…this is so…

James: All this is for you, because I want to be with you.

You: Really?

James: I told you last night *smile*

You: You did *smile*

James: Let's go.

You and James had a great time snowboarding.

When you come back James says: What do you going to wear for the dinner tonight?

You: James?

James: Yes.

You: You know I don't have nothing to wear! And…weren’t we just on a date?

James: See….We are on a date in Canada. We were snowboarding and tonight we will have a dinner.

You: Oh!

James: And I told you not to bring any stuff because I have something for you.

You: James…you don't need to buy me stuff.

James: But I saw this dress and I wanted to see it on you.

James comes out of the room with a blue dress.

You: OMG! It's beautiful. And it probably cost a lot.

James: Not really. I want you to wear it tonight.

You: I will *smile* But you don't need to buy me things.

James: I am sorry.

You: It's ok *kiss him on the check*

James: Go change and let's go.

You get dressed up and come out of the room.

James: Wow! You look…

You: How?

James: Amazing.

You: Thank you and thank you for buying it.

James: I knew you have to wear it *smile*

You: Ok*smile* Let's go.

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