Part 27

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You: I have to go now. I have dance class tomorrow.

Kendall: No! Don't leave!

You: I have too *smile*

James: I will drive you home.

You: Ok.

You: Bye guys.

K&C&L: Bye!

*In the car*

James: Are you ok?

You: Yes I'm fine *smile*

James: I know you and I know that you are lying now.

You: You are right…

James: What is wrong?

You: I heard you and Logan talking in the kitchen…

James: Oh…what did you hear?

You: I don't know you were talking about some girl and that you were with and…

James: Ok…I will tell you everything.

You: Ok.

James: The girl from the club and from the beach told Logan that he has to tell me that…

You: Tell you what?

James: That… She had a great time when…she was… sleeping…with me.

You: What?!

James: I said the same thing! I never slept with her.

You: Yeah…you told Logan the same thing.

James: That's because she said that she slept with me that night when we were in the club. But that night we had a fight and I went to your house and I was sleeping on your couch.

You: She said that?

James: Yes.

You: OMG! She is really stupid *smile*

James: Why? I'm confused.

You: You were with me that night *smile* and if she wants to make me jealous she is stupid.

James: Oh…You are right *smile*

You: And…I know that you didn't sleep with her.

James: Thank you for believing me.

You: I believe you *smile*

James leans to you and kisses you.

You: Night.

James: Good night*smile*

*The next day*

Since you are a dancer and it's Monday you have practice. You go to the dance studio and see Jesse there.

You: Hey Jesse!

Jesse: Hey.

You: What are you doing here?

Jesse: I'm here because I need a choreographer.

You: You are in the right place *smile*

Jesse: What are you doing here?

You: I work here *smile*

Jesse: You dance here?

You: Yes *smile*

Jesse: Can you do the choreographies for me?

You: Sure and I already know the choreographies because I was bored and I did them *smile*

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