Part 17

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James walks you home and he comes to your house.

James: What should we do now? *smile*

You: I don't know *smile*

James: I think I know *smile*

He starts to kiss you and lies on you on the couch.

You: You want to do this now?

James: Yes *kisses your neck*

You: Now?

James: Yes *still kissing you* What? You don't want to?

You: No just…We can do this tonight not now.

James: Oh…Tonight I am going out with the guys.

You: Oh…Ok.

James: You are not mad, right?

You: No, I'm not.

James: Good *smile* We can watch a movie if you want to.

You: Ok.

After the movie ended, James kisses you.

James: I am sorry for today *kiss you* I will see you tomorrow.

You: Ok *smile*

James: Bye.

You: Bye.

James leaves and you sit on the couch. You were a little bit sad because you weren't with James the whole day. You missed him.

*Your phone rings*

You: Hello.

Laura: Hey! Tonight we are going in the club!

You: Why?

Laura: You were not there 2 weeks now!

You: I know…

Laura: Hey! I will not take “no” for the answer.

You: Ok…I will go.

Laura: Yes! Love you. Bye!

You: Bye.

*In The Club*

Laura: Let's go dance!

You: Ok *smile*

You and Laura go dancing and you see Jesse there.

You: Jesse!

Jesse: [YN]! You are here?

You: Yes *smile*

Jesse: Want to dance?

You: Yes *smile*

You and Jesse start dancing and because it was a sexy song you and Jesse were dancing sexy. You were dancing really close to his body, down and up in front of him.

Jesse: You are a good dancer *smile*

You: I love to dance so… *smile*

Jesse: Good.

You and Jesse were dancing when James comes.

James: What are you two doing?

You: James…

Jesse: We are just dancing.

James: I know!

You: James why are you angry?

James: I don't like it when my girlfriend dances with some other guy.

You: Why are you so jealous?

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