Deception and coffee (17)

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Chapter seventeen: deception and coffee:

~Song: Should've Said No~

[Chris's POV]

"Dude, you are so whipped."

"What are you talking about?" I said, ramming his car again.

"Dxmmit! Stop hitting me! Bro, I've known since I met her. I asked you when's the last time you got some booty and you couldn't tell me... It's pretty obvious." In response I threw a banana peel at him. His car swerved and he crashed.

"Even in Mario Kart." I smirked. "Is that what you were talking about last time? You have to be one of the randomest people I have ever met..."

Brett gave me a little nod. "Seriously dude, you are."

I glared at him. "Keep saying that and I won't tell you anything else."

"Who said I wanted to know?" I scoffed and switch the console off. "Look, I gotta go. My mom said if I'm not back by dinner tonight than she's going to flay me."

I checked the time. "Dude, it's only 6 o'clock!" He shrugged.

"She has a date." I gave him a sympathetic look. The guy's his mom usually picked weren't very nice. They tended to be arrogant, rude doctors. Or at least that's how Brett made them sound.

"Good luck man...." I gave him a pat on the shoulder.

After Brett left, I went upstairs to go find Lea. I knocked on her door, she poked her head out the door before she let me in. I leaned against the wall closest to the door. All this pink hurt my eyes. Lea took one look at me and rolled her eyes.

She went over to her desk and flipped through the one of the manila folders. "Y'know," Lea said as she placed a paper clip between her lips. "I think Veronica was looking through my papers." I raised an eyebrow.

"That's the first time you've actually said her name." I noted.

"Well I think we're cool now," Finally. "She seems pretty nice..." She added, somewhat begrudgingly. She shuffled through some more papers. "Anyway, she was looking through the papers. . . any thoughts on that?"

"What is this? A game show?" I said with a snort. "What do you want me to say anyway? Yeah, she probably figured it out, she's smart." The papers stopped shuffling. Lea looked up at me, eyes narrowed. She studied me for a second before her face relaxed and she gave me a sly grin. "You like her don't you?"

I could feel my face heating up. No point in denying it now. "Possibly." Was my response. "Is it that obvious?" Lea snickered and nodded. She pulled out a paper. Her grin faded and her face became serious.

"This needs to be signed before the end of next month. Either Francine signs it, or we take her to court for real." I nodded.

She handed me the paper. "I swear to God, if you lose this I will personally cut off your balls, Christopher L. DeVito. " I rolled my eyes at her. "I am dead serious." I went in my room and sat it on my desk. I did a belly flop on my bed.

I really wanted to talk to Oni...But if I texted her wouldn't that make me seem desperate? I'd only dropped her off like fifteen, twenty minutes ago. I pulled out my phone. Don't do it! I told myself. No! Don't go to messages!

[Veronica's POV]

"Shit!" I exclaimed, clutching at my chest and breathing hard. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" Or I was still having one... He didn't seem put off, he just gave me that little half smile. My heart was hammering in my chest and my palms were sweating.

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