Movie time madness (22)

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~Song: Hummingbird Heartbeat~

Chapter twenty-two: Movie time madness:

I shifted awkwardly in my seat. I did not want to be here doing this, what was it? Aversion therapy. I guess this was one of the downsides of being a therapist's daughter. My dad looked just as awkward as I felt, if not more. I didn't know if he wanted me to start talking first or. . .?

"I'm sorry." He finally says gruffly. "I wasn't all that fair last night." I'm reminded of Chris's words from last night, life's not fair. He sighed and scratched the back of his neck. My dad never was one for heart-to-heart conversations. That was suposse to be my mom's job, not his.

I raised my eyebrows. "'Not all that fair'? Dad, you were on his tail the whole night!"

"Not all the night. . ." He started, but didn't finish when he saw the look on my face. "I'm sorry, alright?" He looked so uncomfortable. I couldn't help but continue.

I rolled my eyes. "I heard you last night," I said, my lips natually puckering up at the edges. "I don't care how much you don't like him, like him. I want you to like him, I do. Mom likes him, why don't you? Oh wait, I forgot, he's shifty he got secrets. Everybody has secrets, just because he doesn't want to share his doesn't mean you can judge him on that." I finished.

My dad sighed. "Okay, maybe I was on his tail the whole night.  I really am sorry, your mom said I have 'child detachment-issues'," He rolled his eyes. "If you want to continue going out with him, you have my blessing, just. . ." His eye twitched. "If you get have sex make sure you wear--" Warning, embarrassment levels were increasing drastically.

"Ugh, dad!" I exclaimed, standing abruptly. "Does it look like I want to be on Teen Mom?" He looked awkward again. Back to square one.

"Okay, if mom asks, I didn't say that and we worked it out, deal?"

"Twenty bucks and I'll pretend it didn't happen."

He sighed. "Deal."


"We could go to dinner or we could go to the park or. . ." He trailed off when he saw the look in my face.

"I'm in my sweatpants, my hair isn't done, and I'm in no such mood to get dressed. We're staying here." And with that said I plopped on the couch. He opened his mouth to argue but I held up my hand.

"Your argument is invalid. Now go get the popcorn, we're gonna watch a movie." He muttered something that sounded like I'm not a slave. While he warmed up the popcorn, I flipped through the TV channels looking for something to watch. My parents were having dinner and my sister was out at a friend's house, we were all alone.

Why did that thought make my heart speed up so fast?

Shaking my head to clear it, I finally settled on The Notebook. I loved that movie. By the time the movie started Chris came back into the room. I scooted over so he could sit down. He passed the popcorn to me and he laid his head in my lap, my fingers tangling automatically in his hair. 

"Oh God," Chris muttered. "A chick flick." I flicked his forehead. "Shut up. I love this movie." I really did. I hadn't seen it in a while though, I honestly forgot how sad it was. To my surprise I found myself tearing up near the end of the movie. I forgot  this happened, "Every time." I sniffled and wiped under my eyes. This made him look up at me in alarm.

"Are you crying?"

"Yeah, but it's not a big deal," I said wiping my face again. "It's just really sad. . ." I trailed off with a sigh. He looked concerned.

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