W-h-i-p-p-e-d (18)

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That is all.

Chapter eighteen: W-h-i-p-p-e-d:

~Song: Not like the movies~

"I'm sorry, I got your shirt wet."

"It's alright," I muttered, stroking her hair. Yeah, that asshole -- I didn't even want to think his name -- had driven her to the cafe in his car so she would have been stuck there if I didn't go pick her up. I didn't ask her any questions, because I knew she didn't want give me any answers. She kept it together until we got to my house. That's when she fell apart.

She looked angry and upset. But she had a far away look in her eyes like she was somewhere else. I recognized that look. It'd been on my face before and Lea's.

As far as I was concerned, Anthony, Andrew, whatever his name was, could go to hell for this. "Are you sure your okay?" I asked her. She looked completely open and vulnerable, something I'd never seen on her before. She usually kept herself together. "I'm fine." She wasn't fine, I could her it in her voice. I wiped away the tears on her face with the pad of my thumb. Suddenly she gave a laugh, it was a small miserable sounding thing but it was still a laugh.

"What's funny?"

"It's not really funny...It's just that I promised myself that if I ever got into a 'serious' relationship, that I wouldn't fall apart and be like this." she laughed again. "Like one of those dumb girls who threw everything they had away on a guy. But I guess I'm that dumb girl now."

"No you aren't." I said.

"Chris?" she said softly.


"Where...Where do we stand?"

"We're sitting on a couc --" She flicked me.

"Seriously, no jokes."

There was a moment of silence. It wasn't an awkward one, it was a thoughtful one. "Well..." I started. "What do you want." It came out as a statement instead of question. She looked up at me, her dark eyes filled with tears.

"I want to be with you, I really do, because I know that we have something...I don't know what it is, but we have it. And I know that just when I do this--" She intertwined our fingers and I felt tingles race down my arm. "You feel it too. I...I want to be with you but I can't right now...I can't..." She lost it again and tears started running down her face. She buried her face in my chest. "I don't want to be like this again... I never want to feel like this again." Her voice was kind of muffled but I heard it.

"Shh, I know. I'm not going to hurt you." I said soothingly. "I promise." I gently rocked her back and forth, muttering calming nonsense words. Where ever Antonio was, I really hoped he felt like the idiot he was for doing this to her. I mean really? Why would he cheat on her? She was everything anyone would want. Pretty, smart, sarcastic, funny, unique, and more... how could you let that go? I still doubted that I could take care of her as well as some other guy, but if there was a chance that we did act on whatever this is, and she felt the same way I did, then I was going to hold on to her as long as I could.

Her sobs eventually stopped and her breathing was back to normal aside from the occasional hiccup. "Oni?" I looked down at her. Her head was resting on my sholder, her face looked peaceful. Her eyes were closed and her full lips were parted just a little.

Leaning back into the couch, careful not to jostle her, I couldn't help but be thankful she existed. Maybe there was a benevolent force out there after all.



Something bright flashed behind my eyelids. I snapped my eyes opened only to find Brett standing in front of the couch, camera in his hands. I gave him a death glare. "What the fxck are you doing here?" I hissed. Was he seriously here, taking pictures? "If you weren't my bestfriend and I didn't have a girl in my lap, I would kick your axx."

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