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*English isn't my first language so excuse me if there are mistakes. Feel free to correct me in the comments but don't be rude bc I have feelings*

I was happily sleeping next to George when my phone started ringing. "Hello?"

"Honey! How are you? I was worried because you hadn't called me in a while" My mom said, I totally forgot about phoning her during this week I was spending with George.

"Oh, I was in a trip in Manchester with some friends and I totally forgot, sorry mom" I mixed up the actual story, I didn't want to tell her that I was in Manchester with two boys. "How are things around Leeds?"

"It's okay Amy, things are pretty boring here, everyone is on vacation" George woke up and looked at me and I mouthed him that I was talking with my mom so he decided to get up and put some clothes on, I kept talking to her for a while.

"What do you want to do today?" George asked when I finished talking with my mom. I actually had no idea what to do today so I let him choose.

After having breakfast we went to a record store, I wasn't surprised of his choice as George loved music. We bought some vinyls and later sat in a bench outside that record store.

"How long have you been playing drums?" I asked while taking his hand and massaging it.

"10 years, since I started the band with Matty, Adam and Ross" He explained taking my hand now "We're actually recording an album"

We kept talking and holding hands for a while, I didn't look at George with the same eyes since he kissed me last night. I wanted to kiss him again but at the same time I didn't because I didn't want it to lead into starting a relationship with him.

"What are you thinking?" George put his hand in my chin.

"I am confused, since the kiss" I admitted and he giggled. He got close to my face to a point where our lips brushed, I didn't think about it twice and I kissed him, I could feel his smile in it.

"Still confused?" He asked ending the kiss.

"This isn't what I'm confused about, it's about the whole thing" I didn't know how to tell him that I wanted something with him but not a relationship.

"I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your neck" I looked at his beautiful eyes and we kissed me again. I decided to let things work their way by themselves and just live the moment, and in this moment I was kissing him, and I loved it.

You're Cold And I Burn //George Daniel Fanficton//Where stories live. Discover now