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*English isn't my first language so excuse me if there are mistakes. Feel free to correct me in the comments but don't be rude bc I have feelings*

I opened my eyes and realized I'd been sleeping on the couch the whole night, I turned my head and found George staring at me with a smile "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I like it when you sleep, you look beautiful" He said touching my cheek and I started blushing.

"I don't" I said giggling and getting up.

"And unaware of it" George said getting up aswell. That compliment made me melt inside.

George had to go to the studio to finish recording the album from his band so I stayed home alone, I hadn't been alone for two weeks and it scared me how fast I got used to have company.

I heard some noises outside my apartment so I decided to go out and see what was going on. It was a boy moving next to my apartment.

"Can I help you?" I asked getting close to his mess.

"Yes, I actually need some help moving this couch" He said smiling "My name's Evan"

"I'm Amy" I smiled back and helped him move the couch inside his apartment.

We started conversating, he was 22 years old, and he moved from Seattle because he got a job in a company here in London. I looked at my watch and realized it was really late so I returned to my apartment.

I found George sitting outside next to the door as he didn't have the key to my apartment "I'm sorry, I was helping a neighbour to move his new couch and we started chat-"

"It's okay" He said getting up and waiting for me to open the door.

"I didn't do anything with him if that's what you're wondering" I crossed my arms and looked at his brown eyes "I would never do that"

He looked at me with tired eyes so I opened the door and we went to sleep. The thing I was most afraid of was hurting him, and I would never forgive myself if I ever did that.

You're Cold And I Burn //George Daniel Fanficton//Where stories live. Discover now