Chapter 8

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It had been three days since I last seen Carter, but he had kept his promise and we spoke everyday.  He assured me that he would be there through it all and that eventually  we would be together.  I still wasnt to sure about the waiting it out part, fuck I was Slim, I never had to wait foe a nigga, Now im on stand by.  Fuck it though, imma make it do what it do.  Not only had I been waiting on dis nigga fa three days, I had been in this house for three days also.  I decided to get out this bitch, take ah drive and spend some of this cash that Carter had threw at my ass.  It didnt take me long to pull up to French Connection United Kindom, my favorite place to shop, I prepared myself because I knew I would be in here for an hour or two.  From jump I spotted this light purple, silk shirt, I had to have it.  Now I was on my mission for a bottom and some shoes.  I was gonna drop two thousand in here and another three in Urban Outfitter, I dont know who's idea it was to put these next door to each other, but that was a fya ass decision.  I was gonna shop my ass off and then walk right down to Hard Rock Cafe and treat myself to lunch.  Yeah buddy, I was gonna enjoy Me.  Mission Accomplish, I was exhausted after all this shopping, maybe it was the baby that was draining me.  Now I was tlf and hungry, so I took my time walking over to the Hard Rock, I loved being in the Quarters, it refreshed me, I loved New Orleans and everything about it.  I looked over all the stores and watched as a couple that was happily in love riding the horse and carriage.  I immediately thought about Quincy, I loved Carter....yes I did, but my heart was still and I think always will be for Quincy.  I would never tell that to Carter, I knew I meant the world to him.  I never gave to fucks and a pump about the winch Lace, the bitch wasnt no competion to a Boss Lady like myself, she didnt affect me in anyway.  Carter was great, but he would never be Q, man how I missed that clown.  "Mam, will you be eating alone," I had forgotten where I was that fast, "Yes, Its just me, Im doing a lil me time today," I said and smiled gently to the waitress, but deep down something was missing and I hid it well.  I was great at overcoming adversity, and now wasnt any different than any.  I was just about to follow the waitress when I felt a mans hand on my waist, who ever this nigga was must have life and bullshit ALL fucked up rubbing on me, I turned around to give this bitch an ear full but before I could speak, I damn near fainted.  "Quincy.....Quincy," I slapped his ass so hard in the fucking face, I knew his head was spinning now.  "Slim.......", funny thing is the nigga was looking like he had seen a ghost as well.  "Bae, what are you doin out the car,"  I looked over to see an attractive girl touching Q on his shoulder, I was even more confused now, somebody had some explaining to do, but I couldnt help but to put my hands around his neck and hold him tight, I didnt know what the fuck was going on, but I wasnt about to let him go again.  "What the hell are you doin, back off my ol' man chic," Before I could size this bitch up, Quincy had slowly pulled away from me, but not to take me off him, but to stare at my stomach.  He looked hurt, when he looked up at me, "How? When? Fucking Who?" His tone changed, and he was mad, but why the fuck question me.  "You left me,you ducked out on me, how? when? & fucking where? are my question, you left me hanging to go fuck off with this bitch and now you wanna question me.  Your fucking momma and your brother have been walking around like living zombies because they thought you were dead, and your whack ass is here, with HER!!!! Get the fuck Q."  I was now crying and feeling worst than before, I tried to walk out but he stopped me.  He put his arm around my waist and looked so sincere and asked like he had amnesia, "My momma.....Quad? How long have I been gone" I couldnt stop the tears, I grabbed my babes face and thats when this bitch took and slapped the fuck out me.  I was so mad but before I could dog walk this bitch Quincy grabbed her as well as myself, "Lyric chill, you knew the situation, you knew I came out that coma and didnt remember shit, we always knew that there maybe was someone in my life and this is she," "but Aaron its been almost two years and I thought.......maybe there was a chance that we would be together, I love you Aaron." I eyed this bitch and had to hurt her feelings, "bitch his name is Quincy and you aint nothing more but ah common bitch, your type comes ah dime ah dozen, this here is my ol' man," she looked pissed answered back, i was kind of shocked, the bitch couldnt have heard about how I issue out ass whippins,  "bitch?common?, let me enlighted you ghetto hood star, Im a Doctor, I live in my own shit, a house might I add, drive my own Rover, bitch I have so much money in the bank, I could fuck you, if I make an offer, you are nothing to me and hes your man? You didnt check for him and while you werent checking, you were fucking, so much you got yourself knocked up, so your having a bastard ass kid, so who's COMMON?" before she could finish, I jerked away from Q and puched that bitch in the face and walked my ass out The Hard Rock, fuck we had made ah big enough scene and I had heard enough.  If Quincy wanted his life back, he knew where the fuck we were.


"Slim, why the fuck you didnt bring him home," "Look Quad, like i told your ass for the umpteenth time, he was tripping, the bitch he had was acting all snoozy, I already wasnt feeling good, so I figured when he got ready to come home his ass would."  I had called everyone over to my house to tell them what had happen.  Truth be told, I didnt want them to know how I was so hurt, the reason i left was because, I thought he was happy with her.  How could he leave me for her, what the fuck did he mean about being in ah coma? How long? Did he remember me before? How the fuck could he forget me? I felt my eyes swelling with water and I didnt wanna look soft in front everyone, so I got up and walked to the bathroom. "Slim, he would never leave you and those kids honey," I looked up and saw Mrs. Grear, I could tell she had been crying, all I could do was embrace her.  "All these years of chasing me and he didnt remember me, now I done got myself pregnant with another dudes baby and this girl is a doctor, he wouldnt want me back now." "Slim, I gave birth to that boy and he didnt remember me, he loves Quad more than anything and he didnt remeber him, baby Q was gone for more than a year, he will understand about the baby and love he or she just as much as he loves your two you have now.  Just focus on the homecoming, hes coming, I know my son......and you know what????Hes loved you since 4th grade, I know that will never change."  Mrs. Grear kissed my forehead and she walked me back to the living room with the crowd.  We all sat and waited his arrival.  It had been more that four hours now, and we still waited.  The time was passing so slow and all I could think about was going to look for him.  I was so stupid for leaving him with her.  I couldnt think of anyway to locate them.  Everything in me wanted me to go from hospital to hospital and find that bitch Lyric, but I had to give Q some time and think things through, I was pregnant now, he had to option to love me or leave me but he still should have came to see him brothere and mother.  This wasnt the Quincy I knew, he knew how much they loved him.  The ball was in his court now and everyone just sat and waited.  Time flew and one by one fell asleep, Mrs.Grear went and lied in my bed and the rest of just laid out in the living room, talking about old times.  "Yo Slim," I looked up to find Quad's eyes, "Yes Quad," "How did he look?" "What?" "My brother, how did he look when you seen him, did he change?" No Quad, he was still the same ol' Q," I heard Quad sniff but I turned my head, because I knew he was crying and if I seen it I wouldnt be able to control myself, so I tried not to look.  Quad loved Quincy so much, he was his hero, he looked up to his big brother.  Ever since their father died, Q was the man of the house and I couldnt imagine why the fuck he wasnt here yet.  I flipped throught the stations and tried to watch t.v, but it didnt work.  "momma is it true Quincy coming home, because I really miss him,"  I looked at my son and nodded my head, allowing him to know i wasnt really sure, he hugged me tight and said "hes coming momma, he loves us," I couldnt fight the tears any longer, before you knew it the hold house was crying, it was a fucking mess.

More Coming Soon, but please COmment and let me know what u guys think>>>VOTE>>>>FAN>>>>PLEASE(OH yeah, I will proof read and correct the mistakes tomorrow) Love you guys=)

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