Vonn<the Best friend>

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After all the excitement of Quincy's party I was drained, I had a great time and more drinks than I should, but the thought of Slim not showing up pissed me completely off, thats why I decided to leave early and make my way over there and give her my opinion, or rather lay it in on her ass.  Don't get me wrong now, Slim was my girl, my ace, we been rocking since Hecter was a Puppy, but some shit she just plain out handled wrong.  Yeah Q had fucked up by not showing his face earlier or even tryna wife some snoozy ass bitch up, but she also was at fualt, letting that nigga Carter ger her ass knocked up, she knew better than than and besides, we dont know jack fuck about this nigga, for some odd reason he seems just shisesty to me, but fuck.....I never spoke up, I was happy she was finally happy but concerned at the same time.  I should have said someting, I should have open my big mouth, but for her not to show up tonight was a big no no for me, straight disrespect.  I had kissed Quincy and told him I was out and we would talk tomorrow.  It was so strange because when we talked it was like we were meeting for the first time.  I knew he tried to hide it so it wouldnt hurt my feeling and I cant lie, it really did, because this here nigga was like my fucking brother, we grew up together, he kicked niggas ass for tryna disrespect and violate me, so of course I was bent about the situation, this was my nigga.  As I made my way to the front door, I had tears in my eyes because the drama of all this was enought to make my heart bust and all of me wanted so bad for whoever did this to die a slow ass death.....was i wrong for feeling this way........NAW, them bitches gon get just what they deserve.  It didnt take me long to get to Slims place, but something was odd.....My girls car was there but all the damn lights were out.  "Slim ass need to get this damn light fix, this shit dont make no fucking sence, a light bulb don't cost......awww fuck,"  just what I was saying, "now im tripping on shit"......."What the fuck......Slim......Get up Slim.....PLEASE GET UP GIRL........HELP.............HELP...........SOMEBODY CALL 911.........SLIM"  I couldnt believe what I was seeing, what the fuck was going on, I looked at Slim and she was so limp, no movement as I screamed for her neighbors to call the police I tried to wake her, but she didnt budger, I was sitting in a pool of my bestfriends blood and there was nothing I could do, I cried as I held her, "The ambulance is on their way, is she o.k." the guy looked so confused, I recognized him as Slims neighbor John Boy, he walked closer and asked did I wanna move her and try to drive her to the hospital, I declined, "I dont know how she fell, or if she hit her head, so we should...just wait for the people.....you didnt hear anything though, fuck you live right fucking here? " I was so angry but I had no way speaking to that guy like that, but what the fuck, was he deaf, blind and stupid. "Naw I just got home a few minutes before I heard you screaming, and shit its so dark around her apartment aint no way I would have seen her like this, man this fucked up, oh girl pregnant and everything, is she breathing?" "Barely" I was crying so hard it was almost impossible to get my words out it seemed liked forever I was just sitting there holding up and finally I seen the ambulance pulling up. I must of been out of it, because I didnt hear them, I coudnt hear anything, I was so gone, Slim was more than my bestfriend she was my sister and I know she have done some mighty fucked up shit before but nothing to deserve this.  "Mam how long has she been out?" "Mam" suddenly I was snapped back into reality, " I......I ......I dont know, I pulled up and found her like this, Please tell me she will be o.k." "Its too soon to tell now mam, but yout can ride with her to the hospital, you have to hurry, too much time has already been wasted, her pulse is dangerously low" you could see how concern the EMT was himself, without another thought I hopped in the back of the truck with Slim and prayed harder than I have ever prayed.  I asked God to do his best this time because it wasnt looking good for my friend. I couldnt stop the pain in my chest or the tears as I thought about the kids, they loved their mom so much, they would be devastated.  I thought of who could have done this..................................If Slim lived or died tonight, she was about to get real grimy, muthafuckas than lost their mine, I wonder what Carter bitch ass would do, If Q ass was in his right frame of mine right now, he would go around laying anybody down, fucking with Slim, but that nigga aint the same no more and he dont realize what they had or even how much she meant to him, hes so consumed in who shot him Slim is the least of his worries.  I wonder if the same person shot Slim.  "Hey cant yall drive a lil fucking faster, shes dying back here.

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