Chapter five: Sisi ni sawa-means we're the same

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Chase's POV
We won! The stupid dog things all fled to their rightful homes. I was satisfied. Suddenly, a hyena ran up and slammed into me. " Sorry!" She said. Caroline dipped her head at the hyena. " Name's Jasiri. What's yours?" Jasiri asked.

" Chase," I stated. " Where did she come from?" Jasiri asked the others. " From the human world," Kion said. Jasiri's eyes widened at those words. " Like Caroline?" Jasiri asked, tipping her head in curiosity.

Bunga nodded. " But more strange. She doesn't seem to want to sing with Caroline." Bunga protested. " Please, we don't need this turning into a bionic rebellion." Caroline spoke. " Yah. A bionic rebellion," Ono said, rolling his eyes.

" Yah. But we're not people, Caroline, we are Prideland animals," Kion reminded her. " But I was originally!" Caroline protested. " Yah. But you're not right now, so shush," Kion ordered. " Hey! Guys, did any of you see what Chasey can do?" Caroline asked. They all shook their heads.

" She can camouflage!" Caroline said. They all looked at me in wowness, if that's a word. " Yay! She can camouflage!" Bunga said. " Wait, what's camouflage?" Bunga asked. " Camouflage is when an animal can basically change their color into whatever back ground they go into. It's simple really." Ono said.

" Haha! Whatever her power is, it's cool! Sisi ni sawa," Jasiri said. " You saw?" I asked, eyes wide. " Of course I did!" Jasiri said.

Caroline nodded. " And you knew?" " I could hear and smell her!" Caroline said proudly. " Ahem!" Shadow cleared. " Oh! Totally forgot about the crazy hound!" Caroline said, and we fought, this time with Jasiri by our side. But only fighting Shadow, the others have fled.

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