Chapter nineteen: Kinda Saved

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Caroline's POV
The thing about this is that I don't want Chase to be eaten, I'm just glad it's not my favorite lab rats character. But here's the thing, before any of those greedy tyrants could even get a bite, Fuli races out of no where. Like she jumped. Ten feet higher than I remembered her ever jumping.

Nights eyes were shining brightly. She slashed at Shadow and gave the tom hound a wound I am pretty sure that he would never forget. Then the rest of the guard came. And Janja. And of course Dogo and Jasiri.

Janja and Kion both tried to save me, by defeating this hound, but they kept in arguing. I rolled my eyes at the boys and raced to help Beshte. He was fending off three hell hounds. Pretty impressive, but it looked like he was about to be defeated so I ran over right away and went on my two hind legs and curled my paws into sorts of fists. Then I punch one and it ran away.

By the time most ran away, Kion had a scratch on his left flank, Janja had a Kion sized bite mark on his back left leg, and Night had a nick in her ear. Well I guess we were kinda saved. But I'm starting to think that at least one third of our wounds were caused by Janja and Kion fighting each other.

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