〰 5 〰

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The next day on Skype was different. Like an awkward but amusing kind of different. Michael was so hyped up about the new Deadpool movie that came out recently that he just had to express how excited he was.

So he put on a suit from last years Halloween costume. And no, it wasn't weird because it was comfortable and he wanted to make it
obvious that he was a fan of the marvel character. I mean the guy practically slayed with his comedic ways. He was like Michael, except the extroverted version basically.

Michael ignored the sounds of the door opening, which meant his roommate was actually here and it was somewhat awkward just seeing him standing there with a surprised expression on his face.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Caden asked, cringing at the attire that Michael had on and the blue haired boy just shrugged his shoulders as he pulled his laptop up on his thighs.

"Okay, don't answer me. I'm having a girl over tonight, so don't bother us. And no, you're not invited to have beer with us."

"As if I'm interested in drinking anyway."

"You only say that because you don't know how to have fun."

Michael rolled his eyes under his Deadpool suit even though Caden couldn't see the action underneath all of the red material.

"You don't need alcohol to have fun, idiot."

"Whatever," Caden mumbled while rolling his eyes and grabbing a textbook he needed before leaving. And Michael was satisfied when the door closed because he could finally be alone with his MacBook - or as he should say, Calum.

Michael instantly dialed Calum's skype, knowing that it wasn't morning so he wasn't tired and it was only afternoon which meant he'd be dressed and wide awake by now, surely, and Michael was right because Calum showed up in seconds with a smile on his face.

"Hi kitten - oh wait, hi Deadpool."

"Who is this kitten you speak of?" Michael asked in a monotone voice as if he were Deadpool and he sort of loved pretending

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"Who is this kitten you speak of?" Michael asked in a monotone voice as if he were Deadpool and he sort of loved pretending.

"Oh, I haven't told you about him, have I?" Calum said, playing along.

Michael, or as I should say, Deadpool shook his head and demanded that Calum should go on with what he was going to say.

"Well his name is Michael. But I call him kitten. And he's the most beautiful, precious thing in the world. I love him a lot. And we met freshman year in high school and it's funny because it was in a library. In the quietest place of all. He was reading a book and I snuck up on him and asked if I could sit with him and he didn't hesitate at all. He was so nice, like you don't even know. And then we went outside and I offered to walk him home. And I told him that his shadow was one of the most beautiful things and he asked me what the most beautiful thing was in my mind and I told him it was his smile. And it's crazy because we didn't even know each other but we didn't have to, to know that within day one of meeting, his lips were on mine and I didn't know I'd crave those lips forever."

"You crave them?" Michael squeaked, but then he coughed when remembering he had to keep up his act of being Deadpool. "That's some deep stuff, man. I'm shedding a tear underneath this suit."

Calum smiled warmly and shook his head in amusement at his boyfriend. Michael is so weird.

"So Deadpool, have you ever fallen in love?"

"Love is gross. I don't like people."

"Well, it's a good thing you're not Michael then."

Michael felt himself chuckling under the mask before taking it off and revealing his face. Calum pretended to gasp as a way to say that he didn't know Michael was underneath it even though he did.

"No way, Michael? Awh darn, I thought I was being all sappy to Deadpool."

"Well you were, but then I heard you craved my lips and I couldn't handle the cuteness."

"Well, it's not a lie," Calum mumbled sheepishly as he felt all of the blood rush to his cheeks.

"It's okay, I crave your lips too."

"I just wish I could kiss you, over and over again," Calum nearly whispered as if Michael wasn't meant to hear when he was. He just didn't want his voice to crack.

"Same. Remember that time I had to be home before curfew and you realized we had five minutes left until my mum was expecting me so you pulled me underneath the street light and gripped onto my collar and kissed me so passionately that I thought I was going to die?"

"Yeah, and then you giggled quietly and told me to do it again because you loved the Sparks that ignited between us and I did it as many times as you wanted, pecking your lips and your nose and your cheeks and even sneaking one onto your neck because it tickled."

"I miss it," Michael said in an inaudible voice as if Calum didn't know this already.

"I know, I miss it too. I miss our daily encounters."

Michael sighed sadly, because he didn't realize how much he had from his boyfriend until all of it was gone and faded into just a memory.

"When will I see you again, Calum? It's been four years."

Calum frowned and looked straight at the screen so he and Michael could make eye contact.

"Soon kitten, I promise."

And Michael had hope now, because the brunette never broke his promises.

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