〰 14 〰

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Michael didn't have anything to do today, aside from laying in his bed and being as lazy as possible. Calum on the other hand, had a lot to do. He was on full duty today, which meant he couldn't talk to Michael until he went to sleep, which sucked, because he knew he was going to be tired.

Calum worked as hard as possible to finish his job, while Michael whined and whined to his best friend on the phone about how he missed his baby and wanted to talk to the boy who made his heart feel funny.

"Michael, I'm sure he's just busy. He wouldn't just automatically avoid you after you talked two and a half hours past his sleeping schedule," Ashton stated, knowing that if somebody was willing to stay up even when they were falling asleep, then it meant that they really cared. True love, Ashton thought.

"I know, I just miss him. Is it really that much of a problem for me to miss him?" Michael asked sadly, his sweater paws covering his mouth.

"No, it isn't

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"No, it isn't. It's actually really cute to me," Ashton retorted, knowing that Michael only wanted what was best and that almost always revolved around Calum. Michael was sad of course, because he just wanted to spend time with his boyfriend, but he'd be able to soon, which meant he was being over dramatic at the moment and being an idiot. Though in Ashton's opinion, Michael was just in love.

"Maybe try calling him," Ashton suggested, and Michael thought about it for a while, knowing his boyfriend was busy but decided to take the chance anyway and just go for it.

The Skype call rang and rang and rang, until finally, at the last minute, Calum picked up. He was sitting on his knees in one of the corners, with a couple of tools in his hands. He also had an apron on, and it confused Michael because he definitely didn't serve as a cook in the military, even though he should have. Calum was amazing at making spaghetti.

"What are you doing?" Michael asked, ignoring the typical glitches the Skype call faced on a daily basis. He also ignored the static.

"Uh, just working. I'm pretty busy right now babe," Calum said, trying to fix one of the wires in the machines. It made Michael anxious, because he didn't want his precious puppy getting hurt.

"O-Oh, but you always make time for me."

"Hence why I answered," Calum said chuckling, and Michael felt butterflies swarming around in his system because Calum always made him feel funny.

"When will you be finished?"

"I'm almost done, just give me a minute."

Michael waited and waited until his boyfriend was finally done, and normal people would cringe when they see their partner all sweaty and gross, but Michael found it attractive. He met Calum when the brunette was all sweaty and gross, basically.

 He met Calum when the brunette was all sweaty and gross, basically

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