〰 7 〰

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Michael hung up on Calum and said that he lost him. And Calum was sad. So sad that he took a risk by telling his boss that he felt as if he had a stomach bug even if it were a complete lie. He needed to get out of working today because once Michael hung up, the brunette bursted into tears. And nobody was there to comfort him.

The only valuable thing he had in his life left was Michael. And he started thinking about the time in the library; how soft spoken Michael was. The boy was and still is everything to the kiwi male, but it may not even make a difference now.

Because drowning himself in alcohol wasn't the best idea; but neither was taking off work in the military. They weren't even allowed to have beer unless it was time to celebrate but he needed some sort of release. Something to cure him from the pain he was feeling because he's almost certain that Michael broke up with him. All because he decided he wanted to work here. And none of it made sense in his opinion, really.

He had five beers and that was enough to make him feel lightheaded. Enough to make him dial Michaels skype and then to wait for the blue haired boy to answer. And when he did, he was angry. But he couldn't yell at his precious little kitten. He just couldn't.

"Calum, guess what? I made a friend today."

"That's gre-ate," Calum slurred as he found himself slowly slipping off of the couch he was sitting in. If he kept it up, then he'd break the screen of his iPad and that really wasn't good.

"Are you drunk? Baby, you promised you'd never touch a beer again."

"I know bu-ut you broke up w-with me," Calum continued on and Michael felt himself furrowing his eyebrows as he looked through the camera of his MacBook Pro. That never happened.

Michael tried to recall the events of that ever happening, but then he remembered he mentioned the words losing me which could imply that he was breaking up with Calum and now he was starting to regret everything.

"No, no. I meant that you risked losing the beauty of our relationship; you know, the late night walks at two in the morning to the beach and us sitting in the trees and watching our feet dangle as we kiss and nearly fall on top of each other. That's - that's what I meant, Calum."

"O-Oh," Calum said sadly as he wiped a stray tear that was falling off of his face. Michael suddenly didn't feel like telling his boyfriend about Ashton anymore. Because he needs to be there for his boyfriend.

"Fuck, I really messed up, didn't I? I'm going to call my mom and see if there's any flights for me to come down there by tomorrow morning so I can make sure you're okay and I can literally start packing now-"

"Michael," Calum retorted sternly as he got a better grip on his iPad. He was starting to sober up a bit, but not enough.


"You know we have a strict schedule. We aren't allo-wowed to have people here unless it's we're undergoing a small break."

"I know but I could sneak in."

"Stop," Calum whined as he cringed from the taste of alcohol lingering from his mouth.

"Sorry, I just. You're drunk and it's dangerous for you to be alone. At least get some sleep for me, please? We can talk later. I promise."

Calum nodded, and was too drunk to be able to see the end call button, which is why Michael handled it for him and the brunette drifted off to sleep in seconds, unable to ignore the nightmare about him and his boyfriend that was unexpectedly yet to come.

Meanwhile, Michael shakily hung up the call and put his MacBook away. He needed someone to vent to, which is exactly why he called Ashton, because the boy gave him his number right away, and he asked the curly haired lad to come over, despite knowing that they weren't allowed to have people stay the night in their dorms. But it was okay to break the rules sometimes.

Ashton showed up almost instantly.

"You called?" The golden haired boy asked, practically breathless.

"Yeah, my b-boyfriend is drunk and he's not supposed to be because you know, the military is a huge responsibility and I'm so worried because this is all my fault."

Michael dropped onto his bed, both hands covering his face to prevent any tears from falling out of his eyes.

"It's not your fault."

"It is, I worded things incorrectly by saying that he risked losing me when I really meant losing all of our wonderful adventures and he interpreted it as me breaking up with him."

"Michael, it's okay. I'm sure he will understand that what you said wasn't intended to be said."

"But it was, I just, ugh." Michael was now clutching onto one of the pillows from his bed. It was super soft and reminded him of Calum, because Calum was always squishy and he could lay on the brunette as if he were a pillow.

"I can talk to him tomorrow for you if you want. Over video or phone or something. If he doesn't believe you, I mean."

"Thanks Ashton."

"No problem," Ashton retorted with a smile on his face.

"I know it's not allowed but would you - would you stay the night? I could really use the comfort of a friend."

"Of course."

And maybe Calum would have been jealous if he were to find out that the two new best friends were cuddling each other to sleep. Because little did Michael know, Ashton was also sad. Because his boyfriend was also in the military. And maybe Calum knew him, but chose not to speak about him for strange reasons that Michael doesn't know about.

They just laid together in one bed, in the comfort of each others arms because that's what they needed the most. Even if it'd make Calum jealous when he eventually finds out.

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