〰 9 〰

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Michael enjoyed going to Country Buffet with his newly adored friend. They talked about everything there was to talk about. From video games to the creepy dolls in grocery stores, they could spark conversation. And it wasn't hard either.

Michael didn't want to return to college and neither did Ashton. It was nice, just not having to worry about grades and testing for a while. Michael was finally able to clear his mind from the pain he was feeling. Surely, it was still there. But it was bearable and he was too focused on blowing bubbles in his milkshake to care about the heartbreak that shattered him tremendously.

Ashton and Michael were laughing about something related to one of their professors but they were silenced when hearing a familiar ring that both boys recognized instantly. It must have been Calum calling from Skype.

Ashton knew Michael would want to be alone to talk to his boyfriend for a few minutes, so he gave the colorful haired lad a smile before excusing himself to the restroom. He had to groom himself anyway in case his own boyfriend called but Luke hasn't bothered keeping in contact lately.

Michael perked himself up in his chair, ignoring the stares he received as he licked his lips and plugged in his earbuds.

The screen popped up, except Calum wasn't there. Again. Instead, it was somebody Michael didn't recognize.

"Uh, who are you?"

"Luke. Calum's friend. I was told you're friends with my boyfriend and that he's with you. Can I talk to him?"

"He's in the bathroom and I'd rather talk to mine."

Luke lowered the camera over towards Calum who was pouting into the palm of his hand with his beanie covering most of his forehead. And while Calum didn't make eye contact nor did he realize what was happening, Luke decided to make a face. And wow, he had really blue eyes.

"Hey, kiwi

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"Hey, kiwi. Your boyfriend is on the line."

Calum instantly pulled his headphones out, the frown on his face disappearing within seconds. He was always excited when talking to Michael. The boy could lighten his mood within seconds.

"Are you alright?" Michael asked, noticing that Calum looked as if he hasn't slept in days.

"I'm fine. I'm still hungover."

Michael frowned. He hated thinking about the fact that at one point, Calum was drowning himself in liquor because of him. It was his fault that Calum picked up his nasty habit again and he hated himself for it.

"I wish you didn't drink."

"I know, and I'm sorry for breaking my promise."

"Don't make empty promises, Calum," Michael said weakly, his voice getting quieter because he really didn't want people overhearing their conversation.

"I - I know. Anyway, uh, I miss you."

"I miss you too. I think maybe we should end the call so Ashton and Luke can talk for a while. I've heard their relationship really isn't the best."

"It's not and I agree with you. But before you go, can you do that cute little thing with your nose?"

"What cute little thing?" Michael repeated, feeling bewildered.

"You're my kitten."

"There it is

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"There it is. That cute little nose thing."

"You did that on purpose," Michael said with a frown following after, "you know I can't control myself when you call me that."

"Well you are a kitten."

"And you're a puppy."

Calum smiled, his heart speeding up a bit at the sight of Michael and how adorable he truly is.

Luke came back to the camera, his quiff irritating Michael the slightest. Michael didn't really like him for some reason. It was as if he was trying to steal his Calum from him.

"You know, I don't get why you're dating Calum. You're hot and he's not."

Calum looked like he was ready to murder Luke.

"Only I can call Michael hot

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"Only I can call Michael hot."

"I know, I was joking around. I have a boyfriend, remember?"

"Watch it, Hemmings," Calum said with a clenched jawline and fists fuming together.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry."

"Better be," Calum spat angrily, his soft side now returning when glancing at his boyfriend through the camera, "I'll call you later baby, okay?"

Michael nodded, feeling content with himself. And just at the perfect moment, Ashton came back and he was able to talk to Luke for about half an hour.

And the curly haired lad wouldn't shut up about it later on. Because he was so happy that he was able to talk to his boyfriend and Michael was happy for his friend. Because seeing a depressed Ashton isn't very fun.

And life was okay at the moment, and maybe it was going to get better or worse. Michael really didn't know, but he hoped for the best.

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