〰 17 〰

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Michael began calling Calum, excitement filling his veins as the Skype call rang. Not only did he want to see his boyfriends face, as it was a routine, he had something amazing to tell the brunette and wasn't sure how he'd react. It wasn't something like, I just won a tournament or I found a penny on a street, though he did get excited when he found coins laying on the ground. The colorful haired boy practically had his own collection.

It was more of a I just realized something and I know you're going to be proud of me kind of thing. Calum was always proud of Michael, even if it was over something incredibly small, such as successfully making cookies and not getting flour everywhere or getting an "A" on one of his tests since his average grades were usually a "C" and up.

Michael could feel his heart racing as the line rang, and to say he was a bit hyperactive in terms of jumping up and down in his seat would be an understatement. He was. The boy couldn't wait to see Calum laying in his bed with his head plopped down on his white pillow. He always looked so comfortable, and the thought made Michael smile since he, in fact, loved watching Calum make himself comfortable on Michaels mattress when they were younger and Calum would stay over.

Calum eventually picked up on the final ring, causing Michael to feel relieved. He was afraid something was going to happen again, such as zero phone calls for an entire day and that would nearly ruin him, as it did the first time. Calum wasn't laying on his bed, no, he was on an exercise machine and Michael felt his eyes popping out of his head because he hasn't seen him workout in such a long time and sweaty Calum is just - fuck.

"Hey kitten," Calum stated with small breaths in between, his body swiveling the slightest as he ran on the treadmill. Michael hates working out, but he does it for his boyfriend. He does everything for Calum.

"I have something to tell you," Michael stated, trying to keep a serious state so he could fool Calum into thinking it was something else. He didn't fail at being serious for once. Usually when he does, he cracks into a smile and almost immediately begins laughing after.

"Okay," Calum said slowly, pausing the machine so it could slow down and he could regain his balance and posture. Michael waited patiently for the machine to stop moving, and once Calum was no longer gripping onto the sides for support, he smiled.

"I probably scared you, it's nothing bad," Michael began, breaking into a smile after seeing Calum's face drop, then turn into relief. Maybe scaring him wasn't the best idea.

"I thought you were going to break up with me," Calum retorted with a pout envied on his face. Michael felt guilty afterwards, he just wanted to pull a little prank on his boyfriend even though it wasn't really a "prank" per say.

"No no no, not in a million years. It's better than that?" Michael said in a questioning tone, and Calum simply nodded his head for his boyfriend to continue.

"I realized life is so much more than it seems," Michael stated, causing Calum's eyebrows to furrow, "I-I mean that in a good way. It's like - okay. We were in psychology today, and the teacher decided since it was nice out, he'd take us on to the rooftop of campus."

"Babe, that's dangerous," Calum replied, being the overly protective spouse he was. He was always that way, just wanting to make sure Michael was and felt safe.

"Not really, it wasn't high. Ugh babe, that's not the point. I felt invincible just standing up there and it's - life isn't all that bad. There are these moments where we have the ability to just feel and think."

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