〰 24 〰

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Michael still felt incredibly bad after their little argument on spending time together, which is why he woke up at seven in the morning to make his boyfriend breakfast. It would probably be considered a kind gesture to most people, but he's a terrible cook. The only thing he's decent at making is pancakes or eggs, which is why he decided to surprise the brunette with both.

He wanted to be cliché like the people in movies, who stacked homemade food on a carrying tray and woke their lover up in bed to a delicious breakfast. Though most breakfasts in those movies consist of toast and oatmeal, which he somehow sucks at making as well.

Michael had a lot planned for today. He was going to take Calum out on a date, since the brunette is often the one who suggests and acts upon his recommendations. The colorful haired boy wanted to change it up a bit and take him somewhere different. Different as in a place that wasn't a restaurant, or to a weird hill to have a picnic on it. They've done those, already.

Calum was asleep in Michael's bed, covered in at least three blankets, and the colorful haired boy desperately wanted to kiss his boyfriend, but the brunettes breath probably wouldn't be the freshest. So instead, he awkwardly poked Calum's side and waited for him to nuzzle his face further into the pillow his head was resting on. And maybe he stared at his boyfriend a bit too fondly, but Calum didn't need to know that.

"Wake up baby, I made you food

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"Wake up baby, I made you food."

"Food?" Calum chirped, immediately sitting up and softly gripping a hold of the fork Michael had in between his fingers, and yeah, food could always make Calum smile.

"You made one of my favorites, aw, such a good boyfriend."

Michael smiled at Calum's comment, gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and told him to get dressed after he finishes his breakfast because they're going somewhere special. And to be honest, he's kind of afraid that Calum won't like what he planned, but who knows? Life is full of surprises.


Calum was frowning the entire time. It wasn't that he hated the date, he loved spending time with his kitten. It was more the fact that they had to hike up a mountain, and if the brunette would have known, he wouldn't have worn all black and he definitely would have slipped on comfortable shoes. Vans just don't support feet, enough.

"Don't look so sad, princess, we're almost to the top."

Calum didn't know what to expect when they reached the top. The only thing he expected was to see a beautiful view of Michaels ass and probably a bright sunset, and then he'd have to walk all the way back down and frown some more. But he didn't want Michael to know that he was kind of bummed out about this. The brunette may be fit but he doesn't like walking, at all. Besides, sleeping is so much better than being outdoors in his opinion, but Michael is the complete opposite.

"How much longer?" Calum whined, gripping onto his knee caps because they were as sore as his feet, and it was the fucking worst, but hey, spending time with his boyfriend made everything worth it.

"Zero seconds," Michael reiterated, looking down at his wrist that didn't have a watch, and that only confused the brunette more.


"We're here, babe."

Calum looked up from his feet, shocked to see that there was a giant hot air balloon on top of the mountain, and he found himself squealing the slightest bit. He's always wanted to do something like this. He even told Michael about it one night when they skyped. I guess Michael's pretty committed to remember such a small detail.

"Oh my god, I - are you serious? These things are fucking expensive!"

"Love doesn't have a price, darling. Hop in," Michael replied, and Calum didn't even hesitate to step inside of the hot air balloon. Michael found his cuteness to be way too much for him to deal with, without growing flustered and feeling butterflies in his stomach, but a happy Calum was way better than a sad Calum.

Of course there was the one person inside of the hot air balloon with them, steering and keeping them in control so they could just chat and enjoy the view, but it kind of ruined the moment a little bit for Michael. He wanted to kiss his boyfriend privately, but Calum didn't seem to mind. Love has no boundaries.

"I seriously can't believe we're about to ride on a hot air balloon."

"Well believe it, baby, because we're already in the sky."

"Fuck," Calum mumbled, grasping onto Michael's neck and holding onto him for dear life, and maybe Michael's skin grew paler and his cheeks became red, but nobody aside from Calum needed to know that. He was the only one who could make Michael blush like that, and it was amazing.

"You alright?" The brunette asked, no longer being scared that the balloon was lifted into the air, though Michael was freaking out now and Calum found it absolutely adorable.

"Yeah, it's just really high. Oh my god - did you see that? I swear, I just saw the biggest bird. I wonder if it will poop on us," Michael stated, and Calum found himself laughing because that's his Michael, his boyfriend that gets easily sidetracked because he has a lot of thoughts and a creative mindset, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

"You're scared of heights? I don't remember that being the case when we went to the amusement park four years ago," Calum retorted, moving a strand hair away from Michael's face and holding him close. He wouldn't let go of the boys neck, so he just left one hand there and dangled the other hand between Michael's. And yeah, intertwined fingers was one of the best things in the world.

"N-No, not scared of heights. Just afraid of you falling or something. I'd kill myself if I lost you."

"I'd rather have you live," Calum chuckled, squeezing his boyfriends hand as a way to comfort him and Michael really appreciated it, "I do love you, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know that. It was just hard being away from you for so long and it's going to be even harder when you go back."

The brunette cleared his throat, looking anywhere but Michael's eyes so he could say what's needed to be said, "about that-"

"Look!" Michael shouted, catching both Calum and the driver off guard. He wasn't sure what the colorful haired boy was pointing at, but it certainly was enough to confuse the brunette, that's for sure.

"What am I looking at?"

"That cloud looks like a penis."

"Only you, Michael," Calum said softly before licking his lips, "only you."

And yeah, maybe Calum never actually got around to telling Michael that he was kicked out, but that didn't really matter at the moment. All that mattered was that he had the ability to kiss the boy he had been dreaming about for years - to kiss the boy he missed so fucking much, and it felt like heaven.

And Calum wouldn't give that up for the world.



I had writers block so I just decided to make them go on a date.

They go on dates a lot, lmao.

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I hope you liked it. 😕

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