〰 19 〰

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A/N; there weren't any comments last chapter..was it really that bad? I'm sorry. Hope this one is better.

Calum went through three buses just to arrive at the airport. He had to call his bank out of emergency to see how much money he had and it was just enough money for one flight to get him where he needed to go. The brunette was going to arrive earlier than expected and while he was still upset that he lost his spot in the military after spending so much time preparing for it, he focused on his boyfriend. He was going to see him.

When Calum was on the plane, he placed a blanket on top of his seat and added a pillow so it didn't look like he was in public or in a plane, because after all, he wanted to surprise his boyfriend.

"Good morning Cal," Michael said with a yawn. The colorful haired boy was walking somewhere along with Ashton and Calum couldn't help but feel jealous. He didn't mean to be but he was and it kind of hurt.

"Hey," Calum mumbled lazily as he chewed some of his gum

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"Hey," Calum mumbled lazily as he chewed some of his gum. It was quite unfair knowing that his kitten spent more time with Ashton than he's been spending with him. I mean sure, they couldn't spend a lot of time together because they were thousands of miles apart but they didn't talk as often anymore and it hurt. It made the brunette start to get second thoughts and think well maybe Michael isn't as excited about seeing me as I thought.

"I'm in the mall right now so I'm sorry that my signal here is kind of shitty," Michael replied as he ran his fingers through a couple of clothes hanging. He really loves shopping.

"Oh, just shopping for fun?"

"You could say that."

Michael asked Ashton to come to the mall with him since he was a fashion expert and needed advice for what to wear when Calum showed up. He didn't want to look like a total slob in front of his boyfriend and it was better knowing that he looked good and actually put in effort to rather than waiting for him to show up while he's wearing boxers and a overly large sweater that belongs to his boyfriend. Calum wouldn't mind, but you know, the colorful haired boy cares a lot.

"I tried some stuff on. I actually have an outfit on now if you want me to show you it in the full body mirror. I'm not supposed to be walking around with it on but eh, I'm punk rock."

"You could get arrested for that you know," Calum giggled, "but I'd love to see the outfit."

"Okay," Michael chuckled back before reflecting his outfit in the mirror.

"What do you think?" Michael asked awkwardly as he held his phone up to the mirror

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"What do you think?" Michael asked awkwardly as he held his phone up to the mirror. It wasn't his favorite and he wasn't all that fond about denim jackets but he knew Calum loves them on him so he wears them as often as possible.

"Baby wow, you look a-adorable," Calum managed to stutter, and he felt so embarrassed afterwards because he was in public and people knew he was a fluffy person now which wasn't great, but wasn't bad either.

"Like you?" Michael asked, trying to be flirtatious. It worked and just made Calum smile like crazy.

 It worked and just made Calum smile like crazy

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"Can you not make me smile like an idiot?"

"I can."

"That wasn't my question, but okay."

"I know, I just like teasing you."

Calum shook his head and made himself comfortable against the airplane seat. It wasn't that satisfying and the people around him were being loud which made Michael start to question everything.

"Where are you?"

"In the basement of the electric room," Calum answered and Michael seemed to believe him because it was a background he didn't quite recognize, which was okay since he was alone and wasn't secretly seeing somebody else. Something that Calum wouldn't dare do.

"I'm so excited to see you, ya know? Like I legitimately made my bed and I haven't done that in a while."

"You're so sweet," the brunette pointed out as he cooed at his adorable boyfriend. How did he get so lucky?

"As are you, but hey, promise me one thing?"


"Promise me you won't get tired of me the minute we're together. Please, I'm still the same Michael who's crazy in love with you and I'm terrified that you won't love me the same way you do now once we're together."

"I promise."

And yeah Michael believed him, because Michael is Calum's first priority and always will be. He never plans on leaving.

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