C h a p t e r - t h r e e

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'Rise and shine motherfucker it's a brand new day! Are you just gonna stay in bed like a wuss? Or are you going to get up and grab life by the tit-balls? Are you a wuss? Are you a WUSS? IS YOU A WUSS?'

"I'm going to fucking kill her." I growl.

"Fucking kill who?"

"What'd you want, Jared?" I groan, flipping onto my back.

"I wanted to say I was sorry. I got some bad news yesterday and I was irritable, I'm sorry for getting like that and acting that way towards you."

"Dude it's cool, I'm actually quite glad you did actually so don't fret about it."

"You're glad I did?"

"Yeah, if you didn't then I wouldn't of ended up doing something yesterday, so really I should be thanking you."

Jared looked confused but left it at that all the same, instead of confronting me about what I said he sat down at the end of my bed by my feet.

"So when do you get to see the kids?"

"She's refusing access, we have a court hearing on Thursday because I love my kids and I refuse to not see them."

"Why does she refuse access?"

"Not sure. Alexa thinks she's hiding something."

"Alexa? And what do you mean 'hiding something'?"

"Alexa is my friend. She's fifteen so don't even bother with that crap. She believes that she has a secret that somehow the kids found out about but she doesn't trust the kids not to tell me, therefore trying to cut off access so they can't blab."

"Wow, you sure she's fifteen? She sounds like she knows a thing or two. I probably couldn't of thought of that."

"You probably could if you put your mind to it, your name is Jared not Jensen."

"Hey! I resent that!" Jensen shouts before appearing in the doorway of my little room. "Budge up." He says before climbing into the bed next to me.

"Okay so I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"If we're all going to meet up, why the hell are we doing it in the smallest trailer here? You two got big-ass ones and I have this one with not a lot of space?"

"Yours just seems more comfy and homelike."

"How is that possible when your house is enormous?"

"You know what I mean."

In the end we end up talking about this that and the other before we had to go on set, it was all three of us again so I let them go off for hair and makeup and told them I would wait for them to collect me.

I lay back and think to myself. Today is Tuesday, final day of filming until we have a week off. Thursday I have a court hearing to see my kids, Friday me and Alexa are going out for milkshakes and pizza before her exams start next week. The weekend depends on how the court hearing goes really and I might see Alexa in between her revision timetable, she's really serious when it comes to her education and I praise her for it.

I hear a knock on the door twenty minutes later and I clamber out of bed and answer it. I saw the makeup artist and was about to slip my shoes on but she stops me.

"The scene has been postponed for now, you are free to go home."

"Uh, thanks Jenna."

"No problem, Misha."

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