C h a p t e r - n i n e

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I see my children run up to me and I brace myself so we didn't go falling over like we had yesterday. I manage to successfully catch them without falling by some miracle.

"Hey! You're getting heavy, you been eating all my popcorn?" I ask, standing up with them on each other.

"Yes, we found your secret stash but still kept it a secret so mommy didn't take them away."

"That's my kids."

I stand up and walk them over to my car making sure they were properly strapped in before I get in myself.

"Where we going now daddy?"

"We are going to pick up a special friend of daddy's."

"Special as in a girlfriend?" Maison asks.

"No baby, she's just a friend who I am really close with."

"Okay then."

They both stay quite for the rest of the ride to the high school, they look around outside the window excitedly as we drive through a part that they had never been too. The houses around here were average compared to what I live in, but that's the difference in wage of an actor and a middle class job, although we are both in the Tertiary sector of the work. It was saddening really, but its how life is and I'll try as much as I can to help those in dire need.

I park the car outside the gates and wait for all the teenagers to disperse out of the school building, freeing them from their six hour school curriculum for the weekend. 

"Which one is she daddy?"

"I can't see her, one minute sweetheart." 

I look all over the school playground but I can't see her anywhere until I notice a massive group of kids, some were getting their phones out, some were jumping trying to see over the top of the taller kids and they were all chanting something.

"Kids, stay here."

I rush out of the car and I notice a familiar Dan and Phil merchandise bag that I had bought as a present. I notice the word that the were all yelling was 'Gay'. I storm over and when some noticed me, some fled and others gasped, must of recognised me from Supernatural or whatever.

"MOVE!" I authorise, demand and anger crystal clear in my voice, scaring the living shit out of the people in front of me. Everyone moves apart from this one girl who decides to carry on being the crap out of Alexa although she's still lying lifeless on the ground.

"ARE YOU FUCKING DEAF? I SAID GET OFF HER!" I yell, catching the girls fist in my hand and shoving her back. 

"It's not like this is her first time, daddy's always beating her up, isn't that right little Alexa?" She says as I help her up and sling her backpack onto my shoulder.

"Yeah, but you want to know what also isn't my first time?" She says, spitting blood from her busted lip onto the floor.

"And what's that?"

Alexa doesn't speak with her mouth, but the way that he fist connected with the girls face said enough, she clearly knew what she was doing. 

"The power behind that punch and the location caused maximum pain without breaking a bone. I mean, I could always re-arrange your face but I kind of need my education because unlike homophobic pricks like you I'm going to have a life while you're scrubbing toilets at Target!"

"That isn't true." I tell her.

"What?" She asks, looking hurt that I just went against what she said, this was obviously the first time she was standing up for herself finding confidence knowing I'm here to intervene. The other girl looks smug, wait for it you little bitch.

"You need a qualification to do even that," I inform them all. I make eye contact with the girl who beat up Alexa and I stare at her with so much intensity she begins to squirm where she is standing. "Listen, do you know who I am?"

She nods meekly. "How can I not? You're Misha Collins, actor, you play Castiel in Supernatural."

"How do you know that?" I question

"Alexa won't shut up about you."

I smile at Alexa who just feebly gives me a shrug of her shoulders. I hand over my car keys. "Can you get in the car and entertain the kids for five minutes?"

A lot of people gasp as she nods and limps off in the direction of my car. I look over everyone still hanging around. "Nobody should be made fun of, for their age, race, sex, sexuality, looks, backgrounds and what is happening behind closed doors. Alexa has been made fun of for two of those things that I know of so far. That's two too many. I will know from now on if any of you touch her again. I have a lawyer and I will have no qualms in suing you for inappropriate contact, abuse and harassment, are we clear?"

They all nod and I nod and give them a brief smile before jogging off to my car. Halfway there I stop and turn around to the girl who was throwing the punches. "What did you mean by it wasn't the first time she was getting beat up?" 

"Look, it's not my story to tell."

"You had no problems with that earlier." 

"Her dad is an alcoholic, he's drunk everyday since the death of the mother and Alexa's sister. He abuses her, hits her, throws glass bottles at her, shouts things at her."

"Then why haven't you done anything about it?"

"Misha, we don't have the amount of authority that you do, we can't do anything about it no matter how much we wanted. The police have turned a blind eye against it since her dad helped with a serial killer case."

I clench my hands into fists in anger at the story, I look over at everyone and their faces and my jaw ticks as I could tell this was the truth. 

"Then if you knew this was happening why was you beating her up? and for being gay?"

"Because of my father, he's close friends with Mr Rowland and he thinks he will score brownie points with him if I beat up Alexa. I don't want to do it, but because my dad is so obsessed with her's I fear he'll start doing the same to me if I don't do it. I'm not a bad person, just a scared one."

I nod. "Thank you, if you have any trouble, let Alexa know and she'll inform me. She has my number. As for anyone else, what this girl did here was brave, she told the truth. And if I hear one story about this being said and she's being bullied because of it, I swear to all the Greek Gods that I can remember from the lesson from Alexa, that you will regret it." 

With that, I walk to the car and jump in. I accept the keys from Alexa's hand and I hand her the bag and she smiles before continuing with the conversation she was having with West and Maison about their favourite cartoons. I smile when they all agree on Scooby-Doo. We reach my house and I let them inside. The kids run around inspecting the new building while me and Alexa sit in the kitchen as I clean up her wounds. In total, she had a busted lip, a black eye and a broken look in her eye but other than that, she's a-okay. 

"You okay?" I ask.

She nods.

"Come on, let's get some popcorn and other junk food and drinks and let's just watch a shit load of films. What do you want to start with?"

"Have you got Kingsman?"

"The film like James Bond?"

"It ain't that kinda movie bruv." 

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