C h a p t e r - t w e n t y ~ n i n e

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"You better not tell anyone about this," Jensen pants, looking me in my eyes, deadly serious.

"Wouldn't dream of it," I pant back, throwing my head back, looking up and trying to clear my head from what we're doing. Should we be doing this?

"One, two, three, go!"

Once again I pick up Jensen's hand while placing my other on his hip and we begin dancing again. I think this one is the Tango, but then again it could be the Salsa, I don't know the difference. I don't know how this came to be, one minute we were having a coffee in my kitchen and the next we're joining a dance class and learning a dance together.

Maybe it's the mambo craze.

"How did we get to this?" Jensen asks, trying to get his bow legs to comply with the moves.

"I'm not sure, I'm still trying to remember whether on the next part it's my left leg or my right,"

"It's your right, my left,"

"Got it,"

We seemed to have mastered this dance because we went through the rest of the moves with no problem or hesitation which was a blessing because I don't think my poor feet could take anymore of Jensen accidentally trending on them when he misses a beat.

"We're getting pretty good at this," Jensen comments smiling up at me a little before looking back down at his feet to make sure he's doing it right.

"Maybe a bit too good... Everyone else is looking at us with envy," I reply, laughing a bit.

Jensen looks up and winks. "Let them stare,"

It's been like this for a while, the causal flirting, much to my surprise Jensen actually did take me up on the offer of the secret make out sessions, always in my trailer never his and on days when Alexa is on dates with Jess and the kids are either at a friends or asleep, Jensen would come over. The conventions start soon meaning we would have more times to spend with each other alone, but we've never went further than a really intense make out and the occasional accidentally on purpose touch, but no more, we both knew that it was wrong what we were doing now, sex was completely out of the question. I couldn't do that to them, no matter how much I want to, no matter how strongly I felt towards Jensen.

"I don't think they can handle the sheer brilliance," I say, Jensen blushes slightly and I raise an eyebrow.

"Of what?" Jensen asks, his signature smile returning.

I scoff. "Me, of course,"

Jensen rolls his eyes and after one final twirl, the dance was done. We all clapped as a group before I turned to Jensen and gave him his own personal applaud, after all, he did stop standing on my feet. Jensen bows before showing off his pearly whites and my breath catches in my throat. Was it him, the smile or the teeth? Is there such a thing called a teeth fetish? Yes, of course there is Misha. It's actually a paying job too, and they charge you for it. They're called dentists.

"Remember darlings, it takes two to tango!" The dance teacher says, voicing his attractive British accent around the room.

"So try the Macarena," I say without thinking. My eyes grow wide and vow to never spend so much time with Alexa.

Everyone chuckles and the dance teacher's eyes linger on me longer than everyone else's, making me turn around to see if anyone else was behind me. No one was, FYI. I turn back around and see everyone getting their stuff so they can leave, I suggest to Jensen that we do the same. After I pick up my coat which had my car keys and phone in, we were about to leave until we were stopped by the dance teacher.

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