My Little Avenger Chatroom->1

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(Tony has logged on)

(Fury has logged on)

(Steve has logged on)

(Bruce has logged on)

(Clint has logged on)

(Thor has logged on)

(Natasha has logged on)

Tony: FURY!!! Why are we on a Chatroom?

Fury: Well, to widen the initiative, I decided to add a bonus feature. So, USE IT OR DIE.

Bruce: I don't think you can kill me.

Fury: But I can lead General Ross to you and make your life terrible.

Bruce: O_O

Natasha: Well that escalated quickly.

Clint: Hey Nat, why don't we go watch a movie while Fury finishes his "Bonus Feature"?

Natasha: Im in.

Clint: Make me some popcorn?

Natasha: Fine. >:(

Clint: See ya in a minute.

(Natasha has logged off)

(Clint has logged off)

Fury: Well, I have to go yell at some SHIELD agents. Enjoy your bonus feature.

(Fury has logged off)

Tony: Do you think he means Clint and Nat?

Steve: *shrugs*

Bruce: Probably.

Thor: Hello my Midgardian team! I've missed you all greatly.

Tony: Hey man.

Bruce: Hey.

Steve: So how's life?

Everyone: Good.

Tony: Guys, I wanna go see RIPD. Anyone in?

Bruce: I'm working on a cure for cancer.

Thor: I was going to visit my fair maiden. Jane Foster is quite beautiful.

Steve: Sharon's coming over to spar.

Everyone: Who in the world is Sharon?!

Steve: Sharon is my girlfriend. Agent 13?

(Sharon has logged on)

Sharon: Hey guys! You ready for our date Cap?

Steve: Absolutely.

Bruce: (W) Wait, he's dating that girl who brought us coffee and punched Thor in the gut?

Tony: (W) Apparently.

Thor: Jane's hair is very beautiful....





Sharon: Well we have a date. Bye Avengers!

Steve: Bye!

(Sharon has logged off)

(Steve has logged off)

Tony: Can't you work on curing cancer later? I mean c'mon! RIPD is wayyyy more important than cancer.

Bruce: You aren't going to shut up unless I go, right?

Tony: Yep.

Thor: Oh! I hear Jane. I shall speak with you later my friends.

(Thor has logged off)

Tony: I will buy the tickets, you will buy a large popcorn and cookie dough bites.

Bruce: Fine. =|

(Tony has logged off)

(Bruce has logged off)

-4 hours later-

(Jane has logged on)

(Sharon has logged on)

(Pepper has logged on)

(Natasha has logged on)

Jane: Where are all the men?

Sharon: Well, last time I talked to Steve, he said he'd be right back. I don't call 30 minutes 'right back'.

Natasha: Clint said he was going to go shoot things.

Pepper: Tony is in a meeting that I dragged him to.

Jane: Thor said he had to see his brother.

Pepper: Guys! Go invisible! The boys are joining the Chatroom right now!

(The girls have gone invisbible and all previous comments have been deleted)

(Thor has logged on)

(Tony has logged on)

(Loki has logged on)

(Clint has logged on)

(Bruce has logged on)

(Steve has logged on)

Steve: This party is amazing! Tell me again why Sharon couldn't come?

Tony: Because it's a GUYS party. Duh!

Bruce: Can I PLEASE go cure cancer? This party is boring me.

Thor: Me and my brother are enjoying this party immensely!

Loki: Die in the hands of the empty child.

(AJ has logged on)

AJ: Did I just read what I think I read? I am fangirling so freaking much right now. LOKI LAUFEYSON HAS SEEN DOCTOR WHO!!!!

Everyone: Who in the world are you?!

AJ: Well, Im a 24 year old fangirl. I hacked into the SHIELD software and got through to Clearance Level 20, or Maximum Clearance. Fury is sticking me under the watch of the Avengers. Mummy? Mummy? Are you my mummy?


AJ: *laughs* He's so gullible.

Thor: What is this talk about mummy's?

Bruce: Yeah, I couldn't sleep for a week after that episode.

Tony: You know, me and David Tennant are pretty good friends. I could introduce you.

Steve: What is this talk of an empty child? This makes no sense.

(The girls have turned off their invisibility)

Pepper: Mummy?

Jane: Mummy?

Natasha: Are you my mummy?

Sharon: Where are you Mummy?

Loki: *shaking* The gas masks... The empty child has taken over the women.

AJ: Mummy? *reaches for Bruce*

Bruce: *screams* LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!

Steve: I'm leaving....

Sharon: *walks towards Steve* Why are you leaving, Mummy?

Tony: Pepper... Honey.... I'm not your mummy.

Pepper: Mummy! I'm right here Mummy!

Thor: Jane, darling, your mummy is in New Mexico.

Jane: Mummy! Mummy? I need you Mummy!

(The Doctor has logged on)

The Doctor: GO TO YOUR ROOM! I am very disappointed in you. Now Go. To. Your. ROOM.

(The Girls have left to go to their rooms)

The Doctor: Fantastic! Girls, you can take off the masks now. The men have wet themselves.

(The girls have logged back on)

Pepper: Gotcha!

AJ: That was great!

Natasha: *screencaps*

Jane: Thanks for the help Doctor! Tell cousin Rose I said hi!

The Doctor: Bye everyone! I've got a Slitheen to deal with.

(The Doctor has flown away in the TARDIS)

Tony: O_O

Bruce: O_O

Thor: O_O

Steve: O_O

Loki: Good job girls! Couldn't have done better myself.

Bruce: Jane is related to Rose Tyler....

Tony: Im gonna go have a panic attack.

Pepper: C'mon girls, lets go plot.

(Everyone has logged off)

{A/N- So, what do you think of my first chapter of Chatroom? I love all the chatrooms and @sithkillagal 's Chatroom inspired me. And I hope you enjoyed the Empty Child scene. EVERYONE LIVES!!!

The Newly Born Whovian,
avengingauthor. }

The Little Avenger ChatroomWhere stories live. Discover now