What is Happening?->42

730 43 3

(Nathan has logged on)

(Bree has logged on)

(Grant has logged on)


Grant: Why are we tied to poles?

Bree: Why is all my stuff in that suitcase?

Grant: Where's Skye?

Bree: Are my OTPs still alive? I swear if you hurt my Bruce/AJ ship, I will hurt you.


Bree: Ohmygosh, you didn't send them to space with Wheatley and Space, did you? AJ is probably having a party up there.

Grant: IS SKYE OK?

Bree: Did you provide food for your prisoners?


Bree: Are Loki and Cecile together? How about Nikki and Steve? Is David ok?


Nathan: How come Bree is asking somewhat logical questions, and Grant is just freaking out about Skye?

Bree: Because he loves her, you moron.

Nathan: Weakness. Stupid.

Bree: Can you at least tell us what's going on?

Nathan: Fine. I'm taking over this universe. I forced Loki to build a Portal so you could leave and live a good life.

Bree: But you're going to hurt my friends! And kill Grant!

Nathan: STOP IT! You are going back, and that's that! I am not allowing you to stay here. You will be safe with your family in the realistic universe!

Grant: You have a weakness, don't you!

Nathan: NO!

Grant: You actually care about someone!

Nathan: STOP IT!

Grant: And you can't have the person you care about preventing you from killing me.

Bree: What?!

Nathan: Well, since you are leaving anyway, and I will never get to see you again, what the heck. Bree, I like you. And it's terrible. Because I'm supposed to hate everyone. But you're smart, funny, feisty, and overall amazing. So I'm sending you away, because I cannot be persuaded to any way of kindness.

Bree: Oh Nathan.....

Nathan: Please just leave. I ruined your life once, by destroying your portal, and now I'm sending you home. Go live a good life as a BOA agent. Go far away.

Bree: Is this really what you want? Living a life alone is not a life desired. I could stay.

Nathan: It is when you're me. I can't have feelings. It isn't who I am.

Bree: Look what it did for Grant. He's happy, isn't he?

Nathan: Yes, he is. But he always lives a better life than me. I'm a bad person Bree. You could never care as much as Skye cares for Ward.

Bree: That's not true. Because if it was, I wouldn't be so conflicted about leaving. To tell you the truth, I would miss you too much.


I looked up at him, grief displayed all over his face. "No, you wouldn't. I'm a monster." I shook my head.

He should understand that I do care. He should understand that I wished he would stop being mean to me so that I could fall in love with him in a rational way. I would be crazy if I fell in love with him because he was awful to me. Was I crazy?


But that wouldn't stop me from caring. "Nathan Ward, please untie me." Nathan shook his head, and I gave him a look. He nodded, and untied me.

We stood standing across from each other. "Don't make me leave," I whispered. "Let me show you that you can have a better life."

His fingers intertwined with mine, and I looked right into his eyes. Were they always this pretty?

He smiled, and I felt as if my knees were going to fall apart. "You're my weakness. And I've never loved having a weakness so much in my entire life."

He pressed his lips against mine, and I realized how much I loved the Marvel universe.

{A/N YAY!!!! Now we can get back to weird jokes and funny stories. Yay!

I love you all. Have a fantastic day.

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The one who probably shouldn't love Doctor Octopus the way she does,


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